Unreal Engine 4.20 Released!

Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!

This change in 4.20 seems to have broken Steam lobbies:

-               const uint32 NetworkVersion = FNetworkVersion::GetLocalNetworkVersion();
                if (bUseBuildIdOverride == false)
-                       /** Engine package CRC doesn't change, can't be used as the version - BZ */
-                       FNboSerializeToBuffer Buffer(64);
-                       // Serialize to a NBO buffer for consistent CRCs across platforms
-                       Buffer << NetworkVersion;
-                       // Now calculate the CRC
-                       uint32 Crc = FCrc::MemCrc32((uint8*)Buffer, Buffer.GetByteCount());
-                       // make sure it's positive when it's cast back to an int
-                       BuildId = static_cast<int32>(Crc & 0x7fffffff);
+                       // Removed old hashing code to use something more predictable and easier to override for when
+                       // it's necessary to force compatibility with an older build
+                       BuildId = FNetworkVersion::GetNetworkCompatibleChangelist();

The lobby parse fails because it checks that BuildId != 0 before incrementing “KeysFound” in

bool FillSessionFromLobbyData(FUniqueNetIdSteam& LobbyId, FOnlineSession& Session)


This breaks ShooterGame. The logging in FillSessionFromLobbyData needs to be improved to tell which key had the issue (required manually stepping through the debugger).

Changing ENGINE_NET_VERSION or BuildSettings::GetCompatibleChangelist(); to anything other than 0 should be a workaround, but isn’t the right fix.

FillSessionFromLobbyData check probably should no longer reject 0 BuildIds; it looks like the old intention was likely to reject BuildIds that were 0 because the CRC of an empty sequence is usually defined as 0, but now that it doesn’t use the CRC method, that no longer makes sense. (note that at least one other place in the code checks SessionSettings.BuildUniqueId != 0 though)

(to help googlers, all you will see in the logs if you run into this is:

[2018.07.24-03.18.07:225][929]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Unable to parse search result for lobby 'Lobby [0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA]'


  • Bug Fix: Fixed platform groups (for example, “Apple”, “Microsoft”, “Sony”) to now included in the list of restricted folder names when staging files for a project.

My build is failing due to “Apple” in a sub folder name. Even if I understand how I should fix it, can someone explain me the purpose of thoses restricted folder names?



If you can reproduce this in a fresh project or provide a sample project where this can be reproduced, please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Providing as much information as you can will help expedite the issue.




If you believe this is an unintended change and that the new functionality is incorrect, please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Providing as much information as you can will help expedite the issue.




Thank you for reporting these issues. If you are able to provide a reproduction case for these problems, please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Providing as much information as you can will help expedite the issue.




If you can provide a reproduction case for this issue, please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Providing as much information as you can will help expedite the issue.




Thank you for these details. We currently have a bug submission that I’m taking a look at about this issue. Please keep an eye on our public issue tracker for a bug report to be entered.


I followed up on the roughness being removed from lighting, and the notes were written for it but did not appear in the notes. I am not sure why, but I am going back and editing them to include this.

Removed MinRoughness property from lights. Added SpecularScale in its place.

It will auto convert MinRoughness=1 to SpecularScale=0 for the cases this was used to remove highlights. For any other use case please use SoftSourceRadius for point and spot lights, or the newly added SourceSoftAngle for directional lights to get a similar effect.

If you are seeing this in a project that you converted from 4.19 to 4.20, Delete r.PostProcessing.PropagateAlpha=False from your DefaultEngine.ini.

This changed from a bool to an enum.

Could someone please give me some pointers on building VRPN for nDisplay? (for windows 10)

The VRPN web pages seem to be fubar and the solution itself has 50 jillion projects in it and basically, I don’t know what I’m doing :slight_smile:

Hello, I am new to Unreal engine. I would love to make Persistance working on UE 4.20 with ARKit 2.0. I do have developer account on my macbook and iOS device ready - however I see only few examples of applications online and can not see any documentation or example how to use persistance in UE 4.20.

Where to look for these things? Thank you for the answers.


I got 100% crash on cooking game. It looks like related to landscape.
The problem appeared in 4.19, call stack so mysterious, I didn’t know where to look for a solution.

It still happens in 4.20 (or similar issue?), now call stack points at “landscape grass”. Although we don’t use landscape grass…
Callstack added to AH report. Anyone got similar issue perhaps?

Any news about Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-62042) ? This issue is a pain to work with, please release a hotfix :frowning:

“Backlogged” status usually means it’s never going to be fixed

It’s time consuming now because the infrastructure isn’t yet in place. Long term vision, we have a body of emitters that are 75% of the way towards what you want. You can just pull them in and tweak the last 25% that you need to complete your effect. Until then, you can just pull the same default emitter in 25 times and tweak each instance to match what you want. You can add/disable modules in systems, making it possible to do most of what you want inside a system. Because we maintain inheritance, systems track what happens to the original emitter and synchronize with those changes.

Looking great, But there is an issue on my side (using the Source version)
I can’t see the Translate or Scale Widget in the Editor. It only shows if I’m using Wireframe mode. The rotation one seems to work.

Using UE 4.20 source (release). With Geforce GTX 1080 (Driver: 398.36).

Tested with preview Shader Model 5 and 4, same results.

This bug is making it really hard for coders. It has 64 votes too. I really think they should be doing something about it.


The 4.20.1 Hotfix is now live! This Hotfix includes important fixes for importing FBXs and crashes with forward shading.

Fixed in 4.20.1
Fixed! UE-59351 Installed Build Code First Person template fails to Launch with System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException for AudioMixerAudioOut\AudioMixerAudioOut.precompiled during Build step
Fixed! UE-62017 Cannot debug projects in the Editor if it uses a unique target build environment
Fixed! UE-61955 SwarmCoordinator.exe is missing from binary build
Fixed! UE-62001 BuildGraph cannot create installed build for Windows
Fixed! UE-61937 nDisplay monoscopic broken on GL3/4
Fixed! UE-62007 Blueprint nodes can have false error labels when loaded
Fixed! UE-62144 Unable to use Steam Sessions with a source built editor from Github
Fixed! UE-62079 FInBunch.bClose flag is not copied in FInBunch(FInBunch &InBunch, bool CopyBuffer)
Fixed! UE-61946 Arrays on multicast events called from the server are not passed to clients
Fixed! UE-62033 Linux: callstack unwinding is broken on ARM
Fixed! UE-61530 Need an option to suppress “Register Unreal Engine file types?” in Setup.sh
Fixed! UE-50281 Arch64 and ARM servers fail to open on the Linux machines
Fixed! UE-61951 Undersampling bug in Diaphragm DOF on non HLSL compiler
Fixed! UE-61795 Diaphragm DOF crashes with forward shading and MSAA
Fixed! UE-62096 Crash when using StepToNextShot / PreviousShot with sequencer
Fixed! UE-61728 Burnin for ShotFrame and CurrentShotLocalTime is incorrect
Fixed! UE-61707 Geometry cache track doesn’t always update
Fixed! UE-61706 Animations don’t update on the first frame of shots
Fixed! UE-62067 Can’t import FBX animations
Fixed! UE-62064 Generate Lightmap UVS Doesn’t Update the Lightmap Coordinate Index
Fixed! UE-61841 Access Violation referencing a Material Function containing a CurveAtlasRowParameter
Fixed! UE-62099 Namespaces are not removed when importing Skeletal Meshes from FBX, and breaks the importing of referenced Animations
Fixed! UE-61762 Virtual Camera Global Boom influenced by motion scale when moving forward with device at an angle

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find by following the How To Report a Bug Guide

Oh thanks! :rolleyes: