Unreal Engine 4.19 Released

There was a problem with the Linux compilation.
Here is the error: clang-5.0: error: invalid linker name in argument ‘-fuse-ld=lld’

Problem solved by installng lld. sudo dnf install lld

What’s the right way to query which VR module is in use now? In 4.18 I used this:

if (GEngine->XRSystem.IsValid() && GEngine->XRSystem->GetHMDDevice() && GEngine->XRSystem->GetHMDDevice()->GetHMDDeviceType() == EHMDDeviceType::DT_SteamVR)

GetHMDDeviceType seems to have gone away.

edit: it seems to be


Bug Fix: Removed the Inverse Lerp node and redirected it to Normalize To Range. Also Fixed incorrect value being returned by Normalize To Range when Range Min and Range Max are equal.

Why has this been removed then changed to Normalize To Range? they don’t even have the same behavior.

Can confirm this as well. Folders are nowhere to be found.

Command “stat fps” dont work

If you’re using VR, It’s just outside of the visible area.

Hi all,

I have got some problems with OnPerceptionUpdated:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error (active) E0304 no instance of function template “FPerceptionUpdatedDelegate::__Internal_AddDynamic” matches the argument list ZSFS_I d:\ZSFS_I\Source\ZSFS_I\ZSFSEnemy1ConBase.cpp 45
Error C2664 ‘void TBaseDynamicMulticastDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr,void,const TArray<AActor *,FDefaultAllocator> &>::__Internal_AddDynamic<AZSFSEnemy1ConBase>(UserClass ,void (__cdecl AZSFSEnemy1ConBase:: )(const TArray<AActor ,FDefaultAllocator> &),FName)’: cannot convert argument 2 from 'void (__cdecl AZSFSEnemy1ConBase:: )(TArray<AActor ,FDefaultAllocator>)’ to 'void (__cdecl AZSFSEnemy1ConBase:: )(const TArray<AActor *,FDefaultAllocator> &)’ ZSFS_I D:\ZSFS_I\Source\ZSFS_I\ZSFSEnemy1ConBase.cpp 45
Error C2664 ‘void TBaseDynamicMulticastDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr,void,const TArray<AActor *,FDefaultAllocator> &>::__Internal_AddDynamic<AMainHeroConBase>(UserClass ,void (__cdecl AMainHeroConBase:: )(const TArray<AActor ,FDefaultAllocator> &),FName)’: cannot convert argument 2 from 'void (__cdecl AMainHeroConBase:: )(TArray<AActor ,FDefaultAllocator>)’ to 'void (__cdecl AMainHeroConBase:: )(const TArray<AActor *,FDefaultAllocator> &)’ ZSFS_I D:\ZSFS_I\Source\ZSFS_I\MainHeroConBase.cpp 44
Error C2664 ‘void TBaseDynamicMulticastDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr,void,const TArray<AActor *,FDefaultAllocator> &>::__Internal_AddDynamic<ABHController>(UserClass ,void (__cdecl ABHController:: )(const TArray<AActor ,FDefaultAllocator> &),FName)’: cannot convert argument 2 from 'void (__cdecl ABHController:: )(TArray<AActor ,FDefaultAllocator>)’ to 'void (__cdecl ABHController:: )(const TArray<AActor *,FDefaultAllocator> &)’ ZSFS_I D:\ZSFS_I\Source\ZSFS_I\BHController.cpp 40
Error C2664 ‘void TBaseDynamicMulticastDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr,void,const TArray<AActor *,FDefaultAllocator> &>::__Internal_AddDynamic<ALav25ConBase>(UserClass ,void (__cdecl ALav25ConBase:: )(const TArray<AActor ,FDefaultAllocator> &),FName)’: cannot convert argument 2 from 'void (__cdecl ALav25ConBase:: )(TArray<AActor ,FDefaultAllocator>)’ to 'void (__cdecl ALav25ConBase:: )(const TArray<AActor *,FDefaultAllocator> &)’ ZSFS_I D:\ZSFS_I\Source\ZSFS_I\Lav25ConBase.cpp 37
Error UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\ZSFS_I\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-ZSFS_I.dll ZSFS_I D:\ZSFS_I\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\UnrealBuildTool 1
Error MSB3075 The command ““C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.19\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat” ZSFS_IEditor Win64 Development “D:\ZSFS_I\ZSFS_I.uproject” -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild” exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command. ZSFS_I C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 41

Yes i use VR how i can set the position?

Thanks for pointing this out. I’ve logged a ticket for this, which you can track here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-56175)

Have a great day

Report using proper bug report system. There is no way to set position for the counter and I didn’t have any issues seeing stat fps counter in VR using 4.19 preview 5 (didn’t use pre6 in VR).

Hello @Hevedy ,

Thank you for your report, however, please submit a bug report to our Bug Submission Form so that we can take a look and enter it into our database if we are able to reproduce it.

Edit: I apologize, I just saw that you have already reported this. If it was through the form linked above, please let me know the exact name of the report you sent and I will search for it and check the status of the report.

Hi @Raildex_

The issue exists in our public database. You can find it here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-54215)

However, we’re currently looking for a way to reproduce this crash, so if you do have solid repro information that we can try, please let me know and I can update the ticket.


Hello @Büke ,

If you have not previously reported this using our form, please submit a bug report to our Bug Submission Form so that we can take a look and enter it into our database if we are able to reproduce it.

If you have previously submitted a bug report using the form, please let me know the name of the report and I’ll look into its status.

Hello @Jamesant8 ,

If you have not previously reported this crash using our form, please submit a bug report to our Bug Submission Form so that we can take a look and enter it into our database if we are able to reproduce it. Be sure to provide steps to reproduce the issue, as well as important information such as the callstack.

If you have, please let me know the name of the report and I will look into its status.

Hello @Daelus ,

Thank you for your report, however, please submit a bug report to our Bug Submission Form so that we can take a look and enter it into our database if we are able to reproduce it and it is indeed a bug.

Hello @Tomza ,

Thank you for your report, however, please submit a bug report to our Bug Submission Form so that we can take a look and enter it into our database if we are able to reproduce it.

Be sure to include this information as well as steps on how to reproduce the issue. If it requires a code setup, be sure to include the code required or an example project to ensure that we can reproduce it.

Hello [USER=“36033”] J[/USER],
Calling nickname in form of a link (like I did above) would notify the mentioned person about a new post, even if they turned off quote notification! :slight_smile:

The signature changed to add const and pass the array by reference, just update your method signature to match, eg:
OLD: void ABaseAIController::OnPerceptionUpdated(TArray<AActor*> UpdatedActors)
NEW: void ABaseAIController::OnPerceptionUpdated(const TArray<AActor*> &UpdatedActors)

@ J

I have multiply material instances with parameters that have been lost when updating from 4.18.2, also there not saving properly ether in 4.19 closing the engine down and restarting my project these parameters get reset, it seem this new saving feature has bugged out the standard saving.