Unreal Engine 4.19 Preview

re: linux, I heard back from epic on another channel, sharing here (haven’t tested myself yet though):

If you urgently need to test this then you can follow the instructions to rebuild the toolchain found here:

In fact you should be able to just download the binary release of clang and lld on Windows which can be found here:


Then copy ld.lld.exe, lld.exe, llvm-ar.exe and LTO.dll (these are the new additions for v11) from C:\Program Files\LLVM\bininto the toolchain x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin folder.

Finally add in ToolchainVersion.txt in your toolchain root with only the string v11_clang-5.0.0-centos7 inside.

Ok, thank you.

4.18 added partial support for dynamic resolution on SteamVR, but it was bugged due to a viewport coordinate issue. Could that get merged back in? The SteamVR API breaks out frame timings by cpu, gpu, compositor, OS, etc. and all of that was in the code in 4.18.

Also, the value from the Oculus API and from the Valve GDC algorithms may not be ideal, they take some steps to throttle changes and to be overly conservative because they are targeting forward rendering with MSAA, where resolution changes in VR are more noticeable and “pop” more than when they are done in an integrated way with TAA.

One last thing. From helping implement dynamic res on older engine versions I ran into a big bottleneck with the lightgrid being recomputed during changes. This caused CPU spikes. I worked around it by changing the light grid to have cells that matched the aspect ratio of the screen and changed things to a fixed number of divisions. This mostly kept it from ever getting reallocated, but a better workaround is probably to just allocate the light grid based on the biggest grid you will need given the dynamic resolution range. Have you run into that and do you know if it is addressed?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I tried to build it, but there are many errors I can not generate .mll file.
Some files I can not find them, Below is the name that appears in the source code

// Maya includes
#define DWORD BananaFritters
include <maya/MObject.h>
include <maya/MGlobal.h>
include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
include <maya/MPxCommand.h> //command
include <maya/MPxNode.h> //node
include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
include <maya/MCallbackIdArray.h>
include <maya/MEventMessage.h>
include <maya/MDagMessage.h>
include <maya/MItDag.h>
include <maya/MDagPath.h>
include <maya/MFnDagNode.h>
include <maya/MMatrix.h>
include <maya/MTransformationMatrix.h>
include <maya/MQuaternion.h>
include <maya/MVector.h>
include <maya/MFnTransform.h>
include <maya/MFnIkJoint.h>
include <maya/MEulerRotation.h>
include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
include <maya/MAnimControl.h>
include <maya/MTimerMessage.h>
include <maya/MDGMessage.h>
include <maya/MNodeMessage.h>
include <maya/MSceneMessage.h>

I can not find these files,help me please.

i think those files are from Maya Developer Kit. You have to download it yourself

Good to know about Substance! During development I’ve been testing with Blender, Sketchfab, and Khronos’s sample models.

Vertex normals are imported directly, or flat face normals will be generated if missing (per the glTF spec). It works best if you get everything looking good in your 3D modelling package & export normals as part of the glTF.

Tangents are also imported directly, or generated by Unreal using MikkTSpace conventions. This is an area I’m getting up to speed on, so feedback on tangent usage will really help solidify the next release of this plugin.

It handles up to 2 UV channels. If the file has only 1 UV channel this will be used for materials, and another will be generated by Unreal for light mapping.

Hope this helps!

I downloaded the Maya Developer Kit version, which directory should I put the files in?

And I saw the source is Maya 2016, can I compile with Maya version 2016 ext2 version?


Oh I build it, there is a new question that how can I use the plugin? I couldn’t find the plugin UI in maya.

Will 4.19 support AppleARkit1.5 functionality available through the iOS 11.3 beta? Such as vertical plane detection, circular surface detection, image tracking, and so forth?

Hi there!

My question is that would 4.19 support clion integration for windows? Because previous versions has errors with creating the cmakelist file.
Thanks in advance!


I’m from germany :wink:
But at work (and me at home), we use the Development tools in english. But maybe because i am a developer, i am used to write dots as seperator when it’s all about developing. Comma suddenly becomes odd here :confused:

[USER=“2003”]Jamie Dale[/USER] Ok, i’ll try it out

Yes, it’s no issue if you’re using dot/comma from… “non-numeric” part of keyboard.
But it’s lot faster to type from numeric keyboard and then you get “wrong” sing while hitting Dot/Del key in many locales. I used to apply customized Polish keyboard layout just to fix this :wink:


We have just released Preview 2 for 4.19! Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.19 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.

For a list of known issues affecting this latest preview, please follow the links provided on the first post in this thread.

Special Note
For users that utilize XGE for assisting in compiling, the current known issue Blocks shaders from compiling as ShaderCompileWorker is attempting to use XGE.
UE-54283 //UE4/Release-4.19 Binary stalls opening Project Browser at 45% - XGEControlWorker.exe is not recognized

The workaround for this issue is as follows:

  1. Close your 4.19 Editor
  2. Open Engine/Config/ConsoleVariables.ini
  3. Comment out r.XGEShaderCompile = 1
  4. Save the file
  5. Launch your 4.19 Editor

Fixed in Preview 2
Fixed! UE-54045 Animation Blueprint Editor Crashes on Compile if the Debug Instance Selection is Other Than No Object or Preview Instance
Fixed! UE-53944 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FHierarchicalStaticMeshSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements() hierarchicalinstancedstaticmesh.cpp:1431
Fixed! UE-53941 Failed to import Alembic files
Fixed! UE-53741 Applying Clothing Data Causes Mesh Vertex Color to Turn Black (or crash)
Fixed! UE-53440 Unable to select assets within modal Asset Selection dropdowns after navigating with keyboard entry
Fixed! UE-53236 New MotionSource node for MotionControllers does not hide dropdown when connected
Fixed! UE-52685 Move material baking out of experimental
Fixed! UE-54220 When using anim data modifiers the Set Root Motion Enabled node doesn’t update the anim sequence
Fixed! UE-54174 Some anim blueprint nodes have duplicated guids
Fixed! UE-53967 Setting preview pose asset does not trigger animation in persona
Fixed! UE-53955 FRootMotionMovementParams::Accumulate can trigger an exception in debug-editor when using a cached pose
Fixed! UE-53224 Colouring removed from “Animation is being edited” warning messages
Fixed! UE-51303 Optimize ‘redundant key removal’ for anim curves
Fixed! UE-54087 GitHub 4419 : Fixes a crash due to nullptr dereference
Fixed! UE-53910 Audio channel volume behaves inconsistently when attenuation applied
Fixed! UE-53903 Crash on load with oculus audio
Fixed! UE-53938 Crash when Refracturing Destructible Mesh after adding Material Slot
Fixed! UE-54339 TP_HandheldARBP missing from Binary Build
Fixed! UE-54325 TP_HandheldARBP.upack is missing from FeaturePacks directory
Fixed! UE-53996 #includes with backslashes will crash UHT
Fixed! UE-53053 Instance Static Mesh element not rendered if array element is removed and another is added
Fixed! UE-54009 Crash while opening QA-Blueprint map from nativized package
Fixed! UE-53923 Breakpoint triggered in Visual Studio after running “{,UE4Editor-Core}::PrintScriptCallstack()” command
Fixed! UE-31662 Renaming function in parent class that is overriden by child breaks the function in the child class
Fixed! UE-54141 OutExtendedCppType shadow warning when compiling UE4Editor on Linux
Fixed! UE-53701 Blueprint thumbnails do not automatically update after component edits
Fixed! UE-52975 Transform of duplicated element of an InstancedStaticMeshComponent isn’t set to the transform of the original element but set to 0
Fixed! UE-54056 HTML5 crashes inside browser upon pressing windows key
Fixed! UE-54026 GitHub 4417 : Add missing include SecureHash.h to AndroidTargetPlatform.inl
Fixed! UE-53592 Assertion right after rendering scene on Lenovo S939
Fixed! UE-53550 Level doesn’t render on Lenovo 939
Fixed! UE-53541 Bring over the slightly better iPhone X fullscreen code from 4.18.2 into Releases-4.19
Fixed! UE-53247 Web browser widget doesn’t load url on mobile
Fixed! UE-53177 Mac Fails Preparing QAGame for Deploy to iOS: Directory ‘/Volumes/Storage/Workspaces/Dev/QAGame/Build/IOS/Build/IOS/Resources/Graphics’ not found
Fixed! UE-54354 Oculus Plugin error opening projects on Windows 7
Fixed! UE-54276 Editor crashes on Restart after Enabling Pre-Exposure in Project Settings
Fixed! UE-54039 Vulkan support for Nexus Player
Fixed! UE-53963 Missing warning when enabling dynamic resolution on unsupported platforms
Fixed! UE-53815 Shader library does not work with iterative cooking
Fixed! UE-53434 Crash when launching QAGame in DX12 on AMD
Fixed! UE-52784 Vector field particles are not behaving as expected
Fixed! UE-50449 Show Vulkan GPU times when the CPU doesn’t block on getting results
Fixed! UE-50265 Ensure condition failed: SrcLayout != VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED opening a project when running the editor with -vulkan
Fixed! UE-54248 Sequencer LevelVisibilty does not update correct without restarting Sequencer window
Fixed! UE-54173 Crash deleting a sequence that is nested inside another sequence
Fixed! UE-54104 Copy/pasting a spawnable track with components will break the reference to the component tracks
Fixed! UE-54095 Crash setting Actor to Track on a camera while part of a sequence
Fixed! UE-54084 Crash copy/pasting a light from one sequence to another
Fixed! UE-54060 Actors Fail to Override Bindings: Both Original and Override Meshes Animate Together
Fixed! UE-54047 Animation does not reset when being blended in a level sequence.
Fixed! UE-54046 Track Sections Set to Blend Relative Do Not Update Until Sequence Is Played or Reopened
Fixed! UE-49778 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_SequenceRecorder!FAnimationRecorder::UpdateRecord() [animationrecorder.cpp:464]
Fixed! UE-54247 ImgMedia: Image media player doesn’t finish initialization if loading failed
Fixed! UE-54073 Audio stops playing when selecting another video track
Fixed! UE-54019 Selecting Rewind during video playback disables audio
Fixed! UE-53328 Video capture input artifacty after latest sync (as if the stride is off)
Fixed! UE-53027 Unable to loop in reverse with AvfMediaPlayer
Fixed! UE-51631 Ensure cooking ImgMedia - Failed to load Primary Asset Type class /Script/ImgMedia.ImgMediaSource!
Fixed! UE-54345 Binary build Python plugin is non-functional
Fixed! UE-53738 Unable to change the Brush Shape of a BSP
Fixed! UE-53775 Enabling Thumbnail Editing does not give immediate control
Fixed! UE-54144 ARM Servers fail to link with relocation R_ARM_CALL out of range error
Fixed! UE-54136 Linux to Linux launch on fails: error while loading shared libraries: libApexFrameworkPROFILE.so
Fixed! UE-54050 Linux - Crash exiting Pie in QAFaceFxAudio: invalid attempt to read memory at address 0x0000000000000000
Fixed! UE-54040 4.19 editor crashes on start on Linux if built with clang 5.0
Fixed! UE-53893 Crash when destroying/interacting with menus/windows in an animation persona window on Mac
Fixed! UE-51327 Streaming Audio from the Editor will play while minimized even with Allow Background Audio disabled
Fixed! UE-54181 Painting foliage while simulating causes a crash
Fixed! UE-52289 Foliage Instanced Static Meshes disappear when FISM Component BP is compiled
Fixed! UE-53904 Landscape cooking takes as much as 6 times longer in 4.18
Fixed! UE-54170 Cannot use a dot as a decimal separator when entering numbers with a German locale set
Fixed! UE-54166 Access Violation crash deleting a dirty Material
Fixed! UE-54092 Layer Parameters panel takes focus by default in new Material Instances
Fixed! UE-54064 Material Layers asset pickers not filtering
Fixed! UE-53942 Renaming a Material Layer asset removes references to it in a Material Instance Layer Stack
Fixed! UE-52250 Disabling “Show Environment” within the Material Editor Preview Scene’s “Show” menu does not hide the Environment Cubemap
Fixed! UE-52215 Disabling ‘Show Environment’ in Material Editor Preview Scene Settings fills the scene’s background with Black
Fixed! UE-53137 ShooterGame - Crash changing scale of game windows
Fixed! UE-54037 Editor crashes when calling a “scroll into view” node with missing parameters
Fixed! UE-53901 Arm Servers fail to build due to GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired override error
Fixed! UE-54042 Assert on a drawing policy removal

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find by following the How To Report a Bug Guide

has any work been given to fix the view problems of the windows HMD displays. We have the Samsung odyssey and was working fine on 4.17 but on 4.18 somehting in the root cod change view the viewing of the 2 eye cameras change and so far we have not been able to fix this. We were hoping to see a fix in 4.19 but I have seen anything in the notes to show a fix has been implemented thanks. I have mentioned it in the forums a few times but have not seen any responses.

Is the features for 4.19 set now? Its a nice update but was hoping for some bigger features…

The U/I is noticeably more crisp on my 4K monitors since the 4.18 release. I also am very pleased with that :slight_smile:

Why was a static GetEnumValueFromString added to VoiceConfig.h? This seems like a really specific file to have such a generic function and is going to cause a lot of conflicts with other peoples custom “GetEnumValueFromString” functions that they have most likely already defined in their own projects.


At the very least it’s a strange place to define this static function.

working fine on 4.19.P1

If not publically exposed then if anything that should be moved to the .cpp