Unreal Engine 4.18 Released!

Yes, this was a glitch in the Launcher we spotted. I’m not sure of the status, but I don’t see the at the moment.

Yes, and I just switched to 4.18 and didn’t notice until the build failed to start for other team members. “Built with other engine”-pop.

Oh, and how do I reset the launcher?

Hi Amanda,
the Fix “UE-53493 Custom iOS icons don’t appear using BP projects” does not work on PC WIN.
Could you please confirm it. Thanks

I can confirm it. It also doesn’t work on MacOS. The current state is that we can’t release UE4 games for iOS, it is a critical blocking.

I have submitted my project for review twice and it has been rejected twice because of a latent UE4 default icon sized 58x58 pixels. This is my project setup:


This obviously wasn’t fixed. We need another hotfix for this ASAP because the fixes I’ve seen all involve changing every single icon in the engine folder for a specific project on build.

I’ve submitted this as a bug report. It’s very easy to reproduce, which leads me to think that it wasn’t verified.

Update: I was able to see the icons clearer on their ****** resolution page on a Mac. The icons failing to be replaced are:

[EMAIL=“Icon-Small@2x.png”]Icon-Small@2x.png (58z58 pixels)
Icon-Small.png (29x29 pixels)

It’s frustrating because these icons are used on the iPhone 1, 2 and 3 I believe. But regardless they need to be sorted out.

Update: I didn’t update this post, but we fixed it in another thread. It turned out to be ALL of the optional icons. Apple require that these be set correctly. In short they’re not option and UE doesn’t bother using them even when set.

To fix it: build your packaged IPA on a Mac, unzip it on Windows, fix the icons (keeping the right names), it back up and re-sign it using the iPhone Packager.exe tool. Apart from building this must ALL be done on Windows. If all you have is a you have a Mac, tough luck I guess.

Of course, at the moment Apple is threatening to ban anyone who submits a UE game built with 4.18.3, as it includes closed debug libraries that you can’t disable.

**Fixed! **UE-52858 ARKit portrait image aspect ratio incorrect on iPhone 6s, 7, and more

Really? Come on guys. You’re ARK editor is crap cause you load all assets. No one can use the ■■■■ thing. Fix yer ■■■■. Let us load the assets as we need them on a scene basis. The only reason I bought ARK to begin with was to create. Your toolkit sucks. Fix it please.

The thing you’re quoting is to do with AR Kit, as in Augmented Reality Kit. Not ARK the game.

I would like to see a VR editing solution for setting LOD distances. LOD’s in VR are completely different screen % wise vs what you see on a flat monitor. Having the ability to easily control what LOD is shown at what distance while in VR would save a lot of time.


C’mon mods put the report button back in. That’s like the tenth malware post this thread has had.

<Link removed by mod>

Epic’s still looking into why the flags don’t appear on threads in this section, there’s nothing we can do about it. In the meantime if you are on the UE4 Discord just ping one of us with the link, send a pm, or @ one of us in a reply here and we’ll take care of it. It’s not possible to monitor all posts in every section and still get any work done on our projects :wink:

@ was kind enough to send a link by PM, otherwise I wouldn’t have found this anytime soon.

Please don’t quote a spam post. Quoting it forces me to edit your post which we try and avoid if at all possible. Thanks

Sorry, I didn’t know. Won’t do it again. And it’s nice to know about the not editing politics.

About the UE4 Discord, could you point me the link, please? Thanks!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Here’s a direct link, there’s usually at least a couple mods (in the Forum Mods section) online:

Great! Thanks a lot for your time!

Unreal Engine 4.18 is a big update that rolls out volumetric lightmaps, developer preview support for Google ARCore, HTML5 output improvements, and a variety of other AR / VR / mobile improvements. There are also a number of tooling improvements for developers making use of Unreal Engine 4.

I bet this one gets edited in a few days and becomes number 12.

Apologies if this is a very silly question but I am trying to download version 4.18 and I see the website no longer has it available :frowning:
Does anyone know where I can still download it?

Help is appreciated. Thanks!

Once you’ve installed the launcher via the normal download you can select which versions of the engine to install.

would you mind provide a part document about richtextblock widget how to use?

Why remove The Android OpenGL ES deferred renderer in 4.18? Is it mean that we can’t use deferred shading on Android Device?

Hey can anyone please tell me that from where can i download the older versions as i couldn’t find any source.