Unreal Engine 4.17 Released!

Heya, not sure if anyone’s been able to look into the fbx importing problem that the 4.17 introduced, it seems to still be broken in the 4.18 preview.
It’s explained on these two posts:

Any news on it would be awsum! Thanks :slight_smile:

This packaging issue from 4.16 is still around in 4.17.2: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/604591/packaging-error-ensure-condition-failed-getsupercl.html

If the ensures in UBlueprintGeneratedClass::NeedsLoadForServer were removed, the package would work fine (I had done this in 4.17.1 with a custom engine build).

It would be nice to get a hand with this one. Cheers!

Hi! Hair shader in 4.17 looks a little bit broken. Any Ideas what’s wrong and how to fix it?

And some issues with sorting(?) of the translucent meshes. I have separate meshes for perimeter blur of the eye socket (unlit translucent material, uses SceneTextureAverage node) and eye shadow (lit (or unlit) translucent material). “Shadow” mesh covers “blur” mesh completely, and in 4.16 everything looks fine, but in 4.17 “blur” mesh renders on top of the “shadow” mesh. Illustration below (colors are exaggerated intentionally)

Does anyone else have problems with Lightmap Builtdata getting only partially loaded and thus cannot be saved after Light Building? Got that issue in 2 different projects. Have to check but not enough yet to phrase a bug report

edit: well, sometimes builtdata can’t be loaded and thus saved in 4.17.2 after building. Gotta delete built-data completely and rebuild lighting.

Ok. I am a bit confused… It says that the Xcode 9 issues are resolved. However, I still get this error…

Screen Shot 2017-10-02 at 9.23.31 AM.png

So, I can’t use 4.18 yet, because there isn’t a way to add the Marketing image and the icons don’t go into the project (and it isn’t released, yet lol)… But, I can’t use 4.17.2 because it says it needs 8.3.3

But, if I do use 8.3.3, it says that the metal compiler is too old…

If I use the source version of 4.17.2, it says that Xcode isn’t even installed. Although, I obviously used it to compile it…

I have wiped the computer and installed every combination of OS, Xcode, and UE. I now have a project in the final TestFlight stages and I can’t move forward.

I was fine with 4.16.3 a week or so ago, however I couldn’t get it to only add the ARM64 slice, even though I only had the ARM64 items selected.

I will totally take the blame for not reading something or setting something up wrong, but what was/is it? I just want to get my app on the store now, somewhere under 150MB.

I removed all the plugins I wasn’t using, I am doing a full rebuild, a pak, compressed, no engine content, no pre-req’s… Etc…

I did get it to compile with a file size of 95MB, but iTunes said that it didn’t have the CFBundleIconName set. I added it in the additional .plist and it still didn’t work. I am just confused.

What am I supposed to be using at this time?

If anyone has the trifecta and cares to share let me know! OS version, Xcode version, and UE version (source or launcher). Thanks in advance!

One of our engineers shared a few quick notes with me to pass along.

  • Xcode 9 is only supported via Perforce/GitHub builds, not the binary launcher build.
  • There is no Metal 2 in 4.17.2. That is 4.18 and above.
  • 4.17.2 Xcode 9 support is only meant to support ARKit and nothing else. None of the other new features exist in 4.17.2. They will exist in 4.18.
  • And Onildera, your Xcode installation seems to be in someplace other than /Applications/Xcode which is likely the problem. This bug will be fixed in 4.18, but not 4.17.2.

I hope that helps.

There’s a nasty regression for GameplayTags in 4.17.2 compared to 4.16.3.

GameplayTagContainers are failing queries on parent tags when HasTag is called on them after a MakeLiteralGameplayTagContainer is used to create the container. This is pretty fundamental to GameplayTags.

I made a minimal repro test case where this works in 4.16.3 and fails in 4.17.2.

A full bug report is at Regression: MakeLiteral GameplayTagContainer fails to match GameplayTag queries involving parent tags in 4.17.2 vs. 4.16.3 - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

FYI if anyone else sees similar behavior.

Thanks Stephen!

I am going to wipe again, go back to macOS 10.12, Xcode 8.3.3, and I will build the GitHub version of 4.17.2. I believe I tried that combination, but I will give it another go and post the results. I feel like when I did that, it built the source for UE and then told me that it didn’t have Xcode installed. I confirmed that it was in /applications/xcode, but I will try again.

Update! Ok, after a complete wipe and OS reinstall, I have this working again. macOS 10.12.6, Xcode 8.3.3, and UE 4.17.2 (Launcher). There were still a few things that needed changed to kill the arm7 issues, but once I made a new project and migrated the maps, most of it cleared up. I did find that any child actor that had the parent construction script disconnected, would still run the script. No matter how many times I changed the connection on the blueprints, it still happened. Once I added a print string blueprint off the child’s construction script and saved, it stuck. Now all seems well!

I do have a vague recollection about moving my Xcode to a group in Launchpad, but taking it out again. Maybe that messed up the path to the Xcode.app? Anyhow, I am going to say that is what caused most of the issue. Thanks for the help Stephen!

I’ve begun to notice a lot of times when closing the editor, it dosen’t shut down properly and is still running in the background in the task manager, taking up something between 2-3gb of ram.
I don’t have a lot of information about it really. Im running 4.17.2 on a Windows 64bit system, I haven’t really experienced this before.

It is pretty annoying, but its not too critical. It can cause issues when loading up other applications or starting the editor again and causing builds/cooks to run out of memory unexpectedly quickly.

WHY is the screen size on ALL 3d assets now turned to 1.5 for LOD0 when upgrading to 4.17? Normally it should be a value of 1 = 100%

This is happening in 4.16.1 as well, not sure if it’s related, but on my end it’s usually the case after creating a build.

Please help, I had something pretty cool in my game that was using the media framework and now it seems to be corrupted / missing completly. Not just in 4.16, but it seems to also be an issue with 4.17. I’m aware there was changes to it not too long ago with the use of FileMediaSource assets, but I’m unable to create one for some reason. I also can’t create a “New C++ Class” even though visual studio 2017 is installed, so that’s another issue I have, says the engine can’t find a compiler… So I can’t just create “FileMediaSources” or any other of the new media framework classes. Would be really nice if I didn’t have to mess around with VS just to get this to work. Don’t know how this happened, seems like it’s working for others. Can anyone PM me some empty mediaframework assets, one of each so I can work with them till this gets fixed at least? I’d really appreciate it!

I posted a bug report. Still waiting for moderation.

I am having some problems while closing down the editor after the recent update. It is taking a lot of memory usage in the background and not closing!
Can anyone provide any solution for this?