I’ve recently migrated to Unreal for game development; however, using my laptop is extremely slow.
Initializing and loading any project takes on upwards to ten minutes. This issues persists even for simple, empty projects. When I attempt to build and compile a Visual Studio solution, the initial compile generally takes about ten to fifteen minutes and all subsequent builds will take 6 to 10 minutes (360 to 600 seconds).
As I understand it, my current computer specs are slowing the process - but I don’t believe it should be to such an extent. The speed does not improve by recompiling the project.
My current specs:
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit),
CPU: Intel i5 5200U (2 cores @ 2.20GHz),
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 5500,
Memory: 6 GB,
Storage: 1TB HDD
Task Manager diagnostics:
Unreal Projects will often use 30% of the available memory.
Unreal Projects and Visual Studio will often cap disk transfer bandwidth.
Unreal Projects and Visual Studio will often utilize 30% of the processor.
I’m not aware of how to gather the logs and data, but I would be willing to share these as well if it could be eplained to me how to do so.
The core solution to my issue would be to improve the loading and compiling times.
Thank you.