Unreal Engine 4.16 retarget manager ignores preview mesh

Hi. I am having problems with Unreal Engine 4.16. In this version, the drop down menu to select a preview mesh from skeleton view is gone, so instead I selected “Preview Scene Setting”. I could see in the “Preview Scene Settings” panel that a “Preview Mesh” is selected. Now, when I retarget, the character does not appear in one of the windows, and I get an error saying that no preview mesh is selected. What to do now ?

I know this is a little late but I just ran into the same problem. With the changes to 4.16 there is a new “ribbon” item as you can see from the image “Preview Mesh” which allows you to select the mesh. If you use the old way via Preview Scene Settings it does not always set the proper information. If you use both you should get the preview to work in the retargetting.