Unreal Engine Preview

Hey ,

Can you explain your steps leading up to when you noticed you didn’t have .cpp files? After updating from preview 4 to preview 5 and opening a new project I could still see all of the engine files in Visual Studio. mentioned installing Windows 10, are you using Windows 10 as well? Additionally, if either of you could create a post for this the AnswerHub (https://answers.unrealengine.com/index.html) and link to it here, it will help us investigate/track this.

Please add icons for Lightmass portal, Planar reflection actors, Camera Rig Crane, Camera Rig Rail. I understand this is not a high priority, but all new assets have default sphere icon and this does not look very presentable. Also Lightmass portal is accessible only via search and not available in Modes categories

Hey , here’s the AHub post: Engine .CPP Files missing from Launcher Download - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums

Whats about this thing here?
Stephen Ellis told me to make an answerhub post and now someone just thaught he could resolve that thing without saying anything. I cant mindread the answer… sry


But this time, it’s an important Launcher update! Please see the latest Launcher Release Notes.

When combined with UE , the Launcher now give you more control over what parts of the engine you want to download and install. Take a look by clicking Options on your Preview engine slot.

The list of Installation Options include:

  • Core Components (Required)
  • Starter Content
  • Templates and Packs
  • Engine Source
  • Editor Symbols for debugging
  • Art Tools
  • iOS
  • Android
  • HTML5
  • Linux
  • TVOS


Hey -

It seems this is related to unchecking either Starter Content or the Templates and Packs in the installation options. The latest update to the launcher appears to have solved this.


Quick question to those who are testing planar reflections.

Can you include/exclude what objects to reflect, as perhaps this may help with performance on complicated scenes?


No, it’s impossible for now. Post#23 Requesting improvements about planar reflections (4.12) - Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums

'Tis indeed solved. Was this update meant for today or is it just fate :P? Quickest bugfix evarrr…

Efficient :slight_smile:

I was indeed unchecking both Starter Content and Templates and Packs, only grabbing the Core Components and Editor symbols for debugging.

Fixed on my end too.

So gravity settings will not be implemented in ?

Dang, my entire project relies on this lol


I asked earlier also, basically it’s not in the branch so it’s very unlikely however devs haven’t confirmed that.

GReat update on the launcher.

In the selectable options, what means Linux? Is it the linux client editor or something else

I am betting on the toolchain/sdk needed to build your game for linux. So it would be a target, like Android, not a host OS.

That would be great, but as far as I know, if you target linux, you must use Github source in all case, or something has changed? or new binary for linux so we can?

When can we expect the final ?

Is Merge Actors tool coming out of experimental in ? If so, what’s the state of UE-25187 ? (it’s quite crucial)

I don’t think it’s likely that the Merge Actors tool will be out of experimental in . That JIRA is currently targeted at a bit in 4.14, but that could always change.

For some reason I cannot build my C++ project using Visual Studio. I just upgraded from 4.11.2 to Preview 5, and when I try to build my project I get:

LogCompile : error : Failed to initialize the engine (PreInit failed).
Error : Failed to generate code for MyProjectEditor - error code: CrashOrAssert (3)

Should the log files be under AppData/UnrealEngine? I don’t see any.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Can you give an idea on when is getting officially released ?

We are aiming to release within a week or two.
