Unreal Engine Preview

May most likely means “added to branch in May”, so it won’t be in I think.

Probably 4.13 then, thanks for the insight :slight_smile:

Planar reflections are a great addition, and they look perfect in non-VR.

In VR, or specifically the , there’s a lag in the reflection, like it’s trailing behind the reflected objects. Does this have something to do with late-update / low latency magic that the HMD position uses? Should I create a bug report on Answerhub about this, or is it a known limitation.

Planar reflections haven’t been made to work with VR yet. It’s unlikely that you’d be able to afford them anyway in VR, so it’s kindof low priority, but still something we’d like to support.

That’s a shame. As for performance, they only add 0.78ms to my (fully dynamically lit) test scene, which in my opinion is very okay for something that looks so good. This would naturally be amazing for VR arch-vis too.

Is getting planar reflections VR compatible on the to-do list for the first release of or is it even lower priority than that?

The problem is with VR you probably have to render them twice, once for each eye. Could maybe do them at half-res or something to offset the cost but it’s still going to be pricey. Might end up sticking out like a sore thumb


We have just released Preview 5 for ! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.

This is expected to be the final Preview for before its official release.

Important Known

  • Google VR (Daydream) doesn’t work in the Launcher release, but is functional via Github (UE-31186)


Fixed in Preview 5 - CL 2986880

Fixed! UE-30836 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UNavigationSystem::RegisterNavData() [navigationsystem.cpp:1810]
Fixed! UE-30470 Restarting Project Resets Scoring Equation in EQS
Fixed! UE-30411 Attached Project Crashes When Setting RVO Avoidance
Fixed! UE-31118 Blueprints with ClassDefaultNodes compile very very slowly
Fixed! UE-30954 CRASH: One-off crash in editor when saving outdated packages while modifying blueprint
Fixed! UE-31027 Crash compiling blueprint after deprecating the blueprint
Fixed! UE-31034 Blueprints_GetClassDefaults Crashes the editor when class is changed to NONE…
Fixed! UE-30919 Actor Blueprint Asset Crashes when opened in Blueprint Editor
Fixed! UE-28536 Attached Project Crashes on Attempting to Play in Standalone
Fixed! UE-30556 Crash Report Client window missing functionality after disabling and re-enabling the GPU
Fixed! UE-29794 Crash opening QAGame after copying when logged into source control
Fixed! UE-30831 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_SceneOutliner!SceneOutliner::FGetVisibilityVisitor::RecurseChildren() [sceneoutlinergutter.cpp:24]
Fixed! UE-30968 Ctrl+Alt selection drag inside to outside of Matinee window will crash the editor
Fixed! UE-30613 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FMainMRUFavoritesList::ContainsFavoritesItem() [mrufavoriteslist.cpp:98]
Fixed! UE-30276 Standalone game window snaps back to original position after being moved
Fixed! UE-30677 Toggling WindowedFullscreen has issues with “” and bad window positioning
Fixed! UE-22691 Changing Media asset path can cause crash.
Fixed! UE-30698 In Cascade when using the Tab key in the module list will cause a crash
Fixed! UE-31101 Crash when clicking content browser filter dropdown
Fixed! UE-30891 CRASH: Editor crashes when Importing Actors via File > Import
Fixed! UE-30809 Merge actor panel crashes when selecting a mesh component without static mesh
Fixed! UE-30955 Morph Targets in Skeletal Mesh LODs do not behave correctly
Fixed! UE-31164 Negative rate scale on montages will not loop correctly
Fixed! UE-31119 Edits to additive animation curves do not show until applied
Fixed! UE-31039 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UAnimMontage::IsValidAdditive() [animmontage.cpp:702]
Fixed! UE-30949 Crash Importing Skeletal Mesh LODs with a lot of morph targets
Fixed! UE-30811 Marker sync crashes when used in derived anim class
Fixed! UE-30808 Issue with static mesh merging path in HLOD system
Fixed! UE-30917 Crash occurs when landscape is selected and simulating and selecting the landscape tab
Fixed! UE-30742 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!FLandscapeComponentSceneProxy::DrawStaticElements() [landscaperender.cpp:1122]
Fixed! UE-29083 Modulated shadows do not render in the correct area on older devices / versions of Android OS
Fixed! UE-31006 FAndroidMediaPlayer::Open() returns EMediaEvent::MediaOpenFailed even if opening is succeed.
Fixed! UE-30904 No Bloom Post-Process on device when using packaged project
Fixed! UE-20434 [CrashReport] Crash in FD3D11DynamicRHI::InitD3DDevice() [windowsd3d11device.cpp:402]
Fixed! UE-29231 Crash when shooting in Tm-Shadermodels with -Opengl
Fixed! UE-30133 Incompatible surface format error, certain maps rendering completely black on with Accurate Velocities enabled.
Fixed! UE-30341 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FReflectionTextureCubeResource::InitRHI() [reflectioncapturecomponent.cpp:703]
Fixed! UE-31054 ToggleRHIThread and ShowMaterialDrawEvents autocomplete on the commandline but don’t do anything.
Fixed! UE-30902 Translucent per pixel lighting broken
Fixed! UE-30834 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHIReadSurfaceData() [d3d11rendertarget.cpp:905]
Fixed! UE-30619 Face Distortion In Morph Targets Sample
Fixed! UE-26319 Crash when DFAO is disabled and a lower scalability is used while Distance Field Shadowing is enabled.
Fixed! UE-31132 Zen fails to package for Windows and Android
Fixed! UE-31108 No Default Game Map set for Subway Sequencer project
Fixed! UE-30979 Typo in Station 1.4 on Blueprint_Communications in Content Examples
Fixed! UE-30568 “Attempted to get an item from array PerRoomProperties out of bounds” warnings in some Content Examples maps
Fixed! UE-30706 Several texture sheets in Zen Garden have bad Opacity Maps
Fixed! UE-30570 Misspelling in StaticMeshes level of Content Examples
Fixed! UE-30575 Misspelling in Decals level of Content Examples
Fixed! UE-31106 Subway Sequencer will not open when packaged for Win64: “Project requires the LevelSequenceEditor plugin.”
Fixed! UE-31050 Crash opening SubwaySequencerMASTER
Fixed! UE-30986 “Enable Texture Streaming” in Render Movie Settings doesn’t seem to work
Fixed! UE-30978 Crash when rendering movie with “Capture frames in HDR” enabled
Fixed! UE-30944 Crash using component none in component classes to record
Fixed! UE-30923 Crash scrubbing in sequence after adding sound wave to an actor
Fixed! UE-30771 Button hit box offset in windowed mode
Fixed! UE-31049 Update Oculus Audio SDK
Fixed! UE-30611 [CrashReport] Crash When Enabling OSVR Plugin
Fixed! UE-20109 VR Preview crashes when the number of players is greater than one
Fixed! UE-31166 Morph targets do not work in cooked builds

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

You don’t even know, how UE-30570 and UE-30575 Misspellings, has been throwing me off! Whew! Finally! :slight_smile:

This bug has caused large amounts of pain and agony…in fact, I would rather be dipped head first in a vat of hot chicken fat than having UE-30570 and UE-30575 not fixed!


Will UE-30842 be fixed in ? This is a major showstopper for our /Oculus Project so I would be helpful to know any timing details on this? Much appreciated! :slight_smile:

This is currently scheduled for the 4.13 release.

i cant find the array pin disconnection bugfix >:c
Its preview 5 already! We clearly see our bugfix in the masterbuild! How can this be a problem? Did it broke again?

Sorry if this is a silly question, but did you guys revert to the old link gun effect in the latest build ? I really liked the new effect introduced in the first build. Is there any way to get it back ?

Thanks !

P.S. DM-Tuba is fantastic :).

I’m seeing this strange android crash on my device: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/425064/android-ue412-crashes-on-s7-device-with-log-fsyste.html

Dear Epic,

Please look at UE-30242. Its a show stopper for some of us.
I cannot upgrade at all until this is addressed.

Thank you.

Shader Complexity view mode causes editor to crash.

The in UE-30242 has been tested in Preview 3 (CL 2970308) and was confirmed to no longer be occurring. Are you still experiencing this crash (partial callstack below) on Preview 5? If so, please create a new post on the Answerhub in the Bug Reports section and we will follow up with you.

UE4Editor_Engine!AActor::RerunConstructionScripts() [d:\build\++ue4+release-+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\actorconstruction.cpp:214]
UE4Editor_Engine!AActor::PostEditChangeProperty() [d:\build\++ue4+release-+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\actoreditor.cpp:118]
UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UObject::PostEditChange() [d:\build\++ue4+release-+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\obj.cpp:285]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FBlueprintEditorUtils::PostEditChangeBlueprintActors() [d:\build\++ue4+release-+compile\sync\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\kismet2\blueprinteditorutils.cpp:7391]
UE4Editor_Kismet!FBlueprintEditor::OnBlueprintChangedImpl() [d:\build\++ue4+release-+compile\sync\engine\source\editor\kismet\private\blueprinteditor.cpp:3113]
UE4Editor_Kismet!TBaseSPMethodDelegateInstance<0,FBlueprintEditor,0,TTypeWrapper<void> __cdecl(UBlueprint * __ptr64)>::Execute() [d:\build\++ue4+release-+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl_variadics.inl:321]
UE4Editor_Kismet!TBaseSPMethodDelegateInstance<0,FBlueprintEditor,0,void __cdecl(UBlueprint * __ptr64)>::ExecuteIfSafe() [d:\build\++ue4+release-+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl_variadics.inl:428]

Stephen, I’ve tested with , but it might have been pre-preview build. I will let you know today.

Thank you! This is really good to hear.

Yeah… wasn’t alembic support dated for last summer according to ? Either way - yes.

The .cpp files are missing? It was handy being able to see what the header functions did :confused:

Edit: Doesn’t seem like everyone has this will reinstall

Edit2: Reinstalling fixed it.