Unreal Engine 4.12.5 Respone Time

hello ue community there is an problem over the unreal engine 4.12.5 seems
the respond time of the ue4.12.5 for any action go via 25sec to almost 1 min only in the edtior,
if i delete the starter contect its take me like 10 minutes and on reopen the project its back to the editor,
as for create a new project (unreal project browser)
you cant selection any option its stuck on one selection i want to use a mobile but its stuck on pc , the same i cant also create project without starter content because its stuck on the with starter content

Why are you using engine version that is 3+ years old? If you’re having performance issue, do mention the system specs - it will be easier to figure out what to blame here.

because for my project I need that load video for and android version an I read about texture streaming , wich not working for me and I see in the texture streaming live they explain about , now I understand from another that from unreal engine 4.12 to 4.13 the media framework changed , the obb not supported more then 2 gb , so my only option is by url, which not goes well in 4.24 , you have any idea for me that will help me ?