Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

Were there any changes in physics?
Applying forces to physx bodies in c++ now causes random crashes. Didn’t happen in 4.10

Hi mookiexl,

There are a lot of changes going into this build and it’s expected to be more unstable than probably some of the other previews in recent times. As pointed out in his first post. There is going to be a longer preview period this go to help iron these issues out. If you’re getting any crashes please make a post on the AnswerHub in the Bug Reports section and we can better track these and respond directly to you with our findings.

Thank you!

Hi /guys

I would be nice if someone from Epic could post a screenshot/s from the Hair,Eyes,Cloth materials so we could test it. This is one of your most important and cool new feature that you highlited on twitch, we do have access to test the UE4 during the brake but without some examples HOW TO use them it is useless. So we do have the tools but no description how to use it :slight_smile:


Hi Lucas,

I understand your frustration and really wanting to dive into the new features, but we don’t have content that is readily available when these previews release and there isn’t always any documentation that is ready to be released either. It’s the unfortunate nature of the development process. When the final 4.11 release comes out we’ll have the full release notes, some documentations, hopefully some cool samples, and other things to help you get started. Right now it’s for those who are willing to dive in and see how far they can get. Other community members typically will join in the discussion to help with what they’ve found or developers will chime in with some information as well.

I’ve only used a few of the new features myself, but not the ones that you’re wanting help with though.

The only ones I’ve really had a deeper look at thus far have been some of the lighting features that was showing on the last twitch stream with Lightmass Portals, Lighting Channels, and the awesome Capsule Shadows.

PrecomputedAOMask doesn’t seem to be working in 4.11 preview while it is working in 4.9. Can you guys reproduce?

Hi JedTheKrampus,

Thank you for letting us know. I’ve submitted UE-24771 for this issue.

Thanks , I appreciate it.

  • I am not frustrated :slight_smile: I saw that many guys asked for it and they were cool features to test and maybe in the rush you (Epic) forgot to show us how to test them. But I am far from being upset, having such cool things down the road! :smiley:

Oculus SDK 1.0 is being implemented, and yet we still do not have a proper, up to date project template. This has been on the backburner for far too long… and now we are almost at the release date.

I have been waiting for a good template to start with, and have just been learning the engine… it seems that this was a mistake, and I will miss the 0 day release.

I’d love if we could get a hotfix for 4.10.x where modifying the layout causes insta-crashes. This is a well known issue and makes tutorial recording horrible and slow and makes workflows shorter.

Just my gripe for the day. Cant wait to see all the other goodies for 4.11 offical :slight_smile:

I tried to replaced BP_Sky_Sphere and Sky_light but my sky still white on 4.11, on 4.10 was ok.


  • I am not frustrated :slight_smile: I saw that many guys asked for it and they were cool features to test and maybe in the rush you (Epic) forgot to show us how to test them. But I am far from being upset, having such cool things down the road! :smiley:

:slight_smile: That’s good. Hard to context sometimes. I can say I’ve been in the same situation trying to try new things and not knowing can lead to frustration of not having information to do so. Not specifically with UE but really any program. Especially when I was first using PhysX Cloth.

We’re happy to help where we can though with the new features though. Over the holiday break I’m looking to dive in a little bit more into the ones I’ve yet to use so it’ll be fun to see what comes out of it.

Getting these errors from the 4.11p1 installed from the Launcher. It’s a Subsurface Profile material

MaterialEditorStats:Error: Error [SM5] DepthOnlyVertexShader.usf(140,29): error X3018: invalid subscript ‘EyeIndex’
MaterialEditorStats:Error: Error [SM5] BasePassVertexShader.usf(86,29): error X3018: invalid subscript ‘EyeIndex’

UPDATE: Subsurface Profile shading model was not the issue. It turns out all tessellated materials expose this bug.
UPDATE2: Above errors are from a copy of an existing project converted to 4.11p1. I tried a blank project with starter content. Enabling on existing or new material doesn’t lead to the shader compiler error messages above, but it simply doesn’t render. E.g. turn on on starter M_Chair material -> no error message but the chair is invisible.

Is this with instanced stereo enabled or disabled? isn’t supported with instanced stereo in this release.

Anim Dynamics seems interesting but it doesn’t actually work very well… even on a mesh with a proper PhAT (like the default character) the simulation is pretty consistently broken.

Is this with instanced stereo enabled or disabled? isn’t supported with instanced stereo in this release.

I enabled it (instanced stereo) in the converted 4.10 project where I saw the error messages. However, I didn’t enable it in the new blank project where enabling on a starter content material fails to render it without error messages (all fresh default settings). The bug report (here) has been answered, and the second case seems already fixed internally.

Thank you for adding transition dither to LODs. Much appreciated.

I don’t know if this has been spotted or maybe it’s just me. The editor seems to freeze when loading world composition terrains. I also can’t get it to play whenever I hit the play button from my persistent level.

I really hope we get an example character utilizing the new shaders. I have no idea what to plug into the new slots! Looks fantastic though!!

great features , is there any hope to finally have Multi-Touch support in windows platform in 4.11 ?

Cannot wait for stable release! Awesome work, Epic :slight_smile:

Any info about DX12?

Tried to compile it from source using the 4.10.x Substance Plugin and it dies one it hits that. Anyone know of a possible work around? Would love to try out 4.11 but all the assets we are using depend on Substance :\ it worked in the past though seems to not want to now. Anyone who has knowledge of adding stuff via source input would be awesome cause when it comes to programming I am pretty much a noob.

Epic Games launcher for Linux, or I will stick to using Unity.


<laughs> You determine your engine use based upon a launcher? You jesting?

Cannot wait for stable release! Awesome work, Epic :slight_smile:

Any info about DX12?

That’s not already a part of the engine?