Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

yay my reported bug got fixed! <3 <3 <3

When will we see multi-touch support for Windows based touch devices?

[= Ellis;452711]
Hey . Do you already have an Answerhub post where we were investigating this for you? If so, please link it; and if not can you please make a new one? Iā€™m concerned that you may have a similar but different issue than what weā€™ve logged in UE-23366, and I donā€™t want to neglect what youā€™re experiencing. Iā€™ve looked into UE-23366 and the fix for that issue has definitely already made its way into the 4.11 Preview that youā€™re testing.


thanks for kicking in, indeed I was fearing the issue would be neglected unknowingly

I do have an answerhub post, this one: Crash on closing PIE or BP - Multiplayer & Networking - Epic Developer Community Forums
however it was closed in favor of this one: Trash components cause UE4.10.1 crash - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums - same issue, newer one but with better repro steps (despite I did provide my project files to Flint I think they were never used for reproducing this)

btw I just tested with 4.11 preview 2 and the still occurs.
it also happens that maps will on the same thing just by opening them with the editor, there it does specify itā€™s about the CameraBoom: AttachChildren count increased while detaching ā€˜CameraBoomā€™, likely caused by OnAttachmentChanged introducing new children, which could lead to an infinite loop. - most likely because the map has a Character placed somewhere

so Iā€™m pretty much stuck atm

I was waiting for the solution of bug defined as UE-20358. Currently distance field shadows are not working for some of AMD cards such as R9-2X series. Has that problem been solved in 4.11?

I was waiting for the solution of bug defined as UE-20358. Currently distance field shadows are not working for some of AMD cards such as R9-2X series. Has that problem been solved in 4.11?

Hi ,

Unfortunately this one is still on-going. We have UE-21304 that is information from AMD regarding this bug to get a possible workaround for 4.10. Itā€™s still listed as ā€œTo Doā€ at the moment. Iā€™m checking to see if there is any push that can be made to get the resolved or what the status of this one is.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience while this is being investigated.

On a converted project from 4.10.1. The editor crashes just after 100% load, every time. When running the project from Visual I can see this error, without Visual it crashes silently.

Iā€™m using an AMD R2 290 card on Windows 10. Driver version 15.201.1151.1010-151118a-296614E (Latest, fresh re-install)

The project is based off the C++ vehicle project. I had to change the pawn source to remove this missing variable in 4.11:

PlayerController->PlayerCameraManager->bFollowHmdOrientation = true;

I was able to create a new C++ vehicle project in 4.11p1 and run it without crashes.

Here are the logs, they are un-flushed at intermittent points with no errors.

Hello ,

I attempted reproducing this with a similar machine and using a fresh C++ vehicle template project from 4.10.1 converted to 4.11 Preview 1 without any luck. Does this only occur with your project or any vehicle template you convert to 4.11? So that we can investigate this further, can you please make a post for this on the answerhub under the Bug Reports section?

[= Ellis;452711]
Iā€™m concerned that you may have a similar but different issue than what weā€™ve logged in UE-23366, and I donā€™t want to neglect what youā€™re experiencing. Iā€™ve looked into UE-23366 and the fix for that issue has definitely already made its way into the 4.11 Preview that youā€™re testing.


btw I just tested with 4.11 preview 2 and the still occurs.
it also happens that maps will on the same thing just by opening them with the editor, there it does specify itā€™s about the CameraBoom: AttachChildren count increased while detaching ā€˜CameraBoomā€™, likely caused by OnAttachmentChanged introducing new children, which could lead to an infinite loop. - most likely because the map has a Character placed somewhere

so Iā€™m pretty much stuck atm

apparently the was somewhat different from what was fixed (despite the symptoms and logs seem exactly the same), and the new issue is UE-25360.
Iā€™d really apreciate it if this can get fixed, otherwise Iā€™m really stuck

Eye shader setup.

Can someone please just copy-paste a quick screengrab showing the basic shader graph for use with the eye shader? Iā€™ve tried everything I can think of, and it looks awful (illumination only affecting iris when light is shining from directly below, no refraction etc etc)

Still waiting on this. Make a big deal about the shader, give us the shader to test, but still no clue on how to use it. Everything I try still looks terrible. All we need is a screengrab for directionā€¦ unless itā€™s actually not working yet and Epic doesnā€™t want to reveal that?

Still waiting on this. Make a big deal about the shader, give us the shader to test, but still no clue on how to use it. Everything I try still looks terrible. All we need is a screengrab for directionā€¦ unless itā€™s actually not working yet and Epic doesnā€™t want to reveal that?

They have already stated, multiple times on multiple releases, that preview releases are just that. Documentation on how to use new features always comes with the full release, not during previews.

They have already stated, multiple times on multiple releases, that preview releases are just that. Documentation on how to use new features always comes with the full release, not during previews.

On the other hand, the purpose of the preview releases is testing. And if some of the features are so complex that people cannot use them without documentation or examples, then Epic cannot expect people to really test them.

They have already stated, multiple times on multiple releases, that preview releases are just that. Documentation on how to use new features always comes with the full release, not during previews.

Thatā€™s an unnecessarily rude response, given that you yourself asked a similar question in this very thread.

Is there any information on how to use Sequencer? This is the reason we are looking to move from 4.9 to 4.11 but when I open the window I just get a blank window and canā€™t figure out how to use it :slight_smile:

Asking a simple question is not the same as demanding a fully written documentation.

I second the notion of a quick example. Especially for the hair shader stuff. A simple screengrab of the master material setup shown off in the Paragon Livestream video (One that is zoomed in enough that we can see it. Maybe even just a simplified version without all the paragon specific nodes if there are any) with maybe a couple texture samples to go along with it would be a couple minutes of effort that would help IMMENSELY in getting others going in the right direction for using these new features and save countless hours of troubleshooting and guess work.

Thatā€™s an unnecessarily rude response, given that you yourself asked a similar question in this very thread.

Asking a simple question is not the same as demanding a fully written documentation.

Yes it was a slightly rude response, given the source I was replying to.

When I asked originally I wasnā€™t rude. I then figured it out on my own and posted back to show others how to do what I figured out.

While I donā€™t disagree that having some quick examples makes testing a lot easier, Epic has stated their position and being rude to them ("unless itā€™s actually not working yet and Epic doesnā€™t want to reveal that? ") is mainly what I was responding too.


We appreciate the eagerness to test the new shaders, and we understand that the information currently available during this preview isnā€™t sufficient to really jump in and get started with them. Our developers are still working on creating the basic documentation for these to have in time for the final 4.11 release, and at this time, nothing is ready to share. The good news is that around the time of release, we plan on sharing meshes, textures, and materials so that everything is readily accessible.

If I am able to get my hands on some of the work-in-progress documentation, Iā€™ll share what I can here. But otherwise, we understand and accept that these shaders may not be getting full community-attention during the Preview.


Canā€™t wait to check out the update for Metal on Mac!

4.11 p2 doesnt work on my mac :frowning:

Anyone had any luck getting it running?
It doesnt load past the launcher.

Yes it was a slightly rude response, given the source I was replying to.

I have no idea who you are, or why you would feel the need to be rude to me. Maybe a case of mistaken identity?

It works for me but I canā€™t open a project I created in p1, Iā€™ve submitted the log

Not sure if I passed the answer or if it has been but has the issue with Substance plugin been fixed with or with out the source? When I tried to use the source plugin from 4.10 with 4.11 P1 it would halt on compiling once it hit the Substance Plugin and in past versions I had no issues. Would love to test it out though a lot of the assets for our project use Substance based mats :\

[= Ellis;454218]

We appreciate the eagerness to test the new shaders, and we understand that the information currently available during this preview isnā€™t sufficient to really jump in and get started with them. Our developers are still working on creating the basic documentation for these to have in time for the final 4.11 release, and at this time, nothing is ready to share. The good news is that around the time of release, we plan on sharing meshes, textures, and materials so that everything is readily accessible.

If I am able to get my hands on some of the work-in-progress documentation, Iā€™ll share what I can here. But otherwise, we understand and accept that these shaders may not be getting full community-attention during the Preview.


Looking forward to it. Thanks guys.