OK I did a fresh install of Unreal Engine 4.10 and made sure I had the 2015 C++ Redistributales and I made a very simple seen…my CPU spiked to 96% 75 of it being LightMass and then even after LightMass “stopped” UE4 was still locked. Pics showing. Edited the pics so they can be seen better.
Hi Keiyentai,
This would be best served on the answerhub in the bug reports section (link in signature). Please post there so we can assist you more in depth with this particular error. In your answerhub post, please include a detailed description of the error you are seeing, what steps you are taking that reproduce this on your end, whether this occurs in a clean, blank project with no additional content or if it is limited to one project, and your dxdiag.
Additionally, make sure to follow the steps to see if they address your specific errors: