Unreal Engine 4.1 Crashes Randomly

Hey there,

Branch: Binary

Build Version: 4.1.1-2066463

Repro Steps: I can not tell why I am having the problem, as

Problem: I’ve been having problems with the unreal engine 4 a lot recently. It seems to crash every 2 - 5 minutes for no reason. Sometimes it happens during import, sometimes during foliage selection/placement, sometimes when saving assets or applying materials, or simply navigating the viewport. On some occasions it closes for absolutely NO reason. I leave the editor open and it just switches off in a few minutes. It’s extremely frustrating. I was wondering if maybe I’m missing something? Some kind of plugin or setup I need to have? Any help would be much appreciated.

System Specs:

  • 8gb Ram
  • Nvidia Geforce 550 ti
  • i3 core 3.3 ghz
  • Windows 7 64 - bit

Thanks in advance for any answers and apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to post this question, I’m new here

P.S.!!! I seem to have spotted something interesting. When I create a new project it does not crash! It only crashes after I save it, exit the editor and re-open it. Therefore the project only crashes if it is loaded or something along those lines.

  • dgonik

Hey dgonik,

Thank you for your bug report. In order to help us reproduce this issue, we could benefit from some additional information. Please see this post for some bug-reporting-guidelines which can be very helpful, and then Edit your post with any additional information you can provide.


Done :smiley: Thanks for the tip! Will use the format form now on.

Thank you for the formatting update. Is it possible for you to share your log files so that we can further investigate this issue?

Where would I be able to do that? It doesn’t let me update the log file (says it’s an invalid file type). Sorry for the dumb question.

P.S. Not sure if this is useful, but this is how almost all of the recent logs end, which are related to my current project:

Crash in runnable thread PoolThread 0
[2014.05.21-11.55.37:275][736]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2014.05.21-11.55.37:275][736]LogWindows:Error: Error reentered: Runnable thread PoolThread 0 crashed.
[2014.05.21-11.55.37:275][736]LogWindows:Error: HandleError re-entered.
[2014.05.21-11.55.37:275][736]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2014.05.21-11.55.37:275][736]Log file closed, 05/21/14 14:55:37

You should be able to find the log files by using this route:

…UnrealProjects/(whatever the name of the project that is crashing for you)/Saved/Logs

There you should be able to find all of your log files for said project.

Ughhh! I can’t seem to upload anything! When I try to attach the log files it tells me that: “This attachment is not permitted because the file type is invalid.”

What am I supposed to do?

You may want to try a file transferring website. If you don’t have one in mind, you can try https://www.wetransfer.com/ , or you can search and see which site would be the best and secure for you to transfer the log files over.


link text

I was wondering how much longer solving the problem would take? It’s still happening and I’m behind schedule on my project…

Howdy dgonik,

I wanted to check in with you and see if the issue is still occurring since the recent 4.2 update. Many bugs have been fixed with the update and I just wanted to check and see if your issue has been resolved. If the bug is still causing your project to crash, please let me know so that the issue can be further investigated.

Thanks and have a great day!

I’ll keep in touch! I have to admit, this same bug has occurred several times since the update… And as dumb as it may seem, I think I may have fixed it, even though it makes no sense at all… I changed the camera movement speed from 6 to 4, and it has stopped crashing… I feel like maybe my computer simply could not hold the view port together and move about at the same time… I really don’t know, but it seems to be working now, so thanks :smiley:

I am going to close this issue for the time being. If you do experience this crash again, please open the question back up so that we can further investigate.
