Unreal Editor Uer Interface is not easy to use;Like Blueprint and Material Editor,the node editor can not automaticly connect when i drag the node on the connect line;Houdini`s node editor is better,it will more convenient if Unreal Editor Support this !!
Could you give a further explanation of what you mean?
You can use nodes and connect them. If you drag from a node and release on an empty surface, it will allow you to create a new node that will be hooked up to the one you dragged from.
This was requested numerous times before and would make a great feature, indeed. What OP meant:
Drag & drop a node onto an existing wire for it to auto-connect both ends.
This thread should be moved here:
So folks can spend their hard earned votes on it.
@LitTwilight Meanwhile, while you wait, you can ctrl+drag
connected wires to re-connect them.
Unreal Editor Interactive need more Morden
And I think it should have read needs to be more modern. Because I once almost moved to Morden, so that’s a confusing header to have.