**Main Question:**When I hit the big yellow launch button in the Launcher window, the button turns grey for a few seconds then returns to normal and nothing else happens. No crash report, even when I manually run the CrashReportClient.exe from Windows Explorer, all I get is this “You do not have any debugging symbols required to display the callstack for this crash”
My System: OS: Windows 7 Home Premium, 64bit, Gateway DX4860, Processor: Intel Core i3-2120, 3.3 GHz, RAM:6GB, VideoCard: NVIDIA GeForce GT630
Stuff I’ve Tried:
I’ve tried verifying install.
I’ve tried using Unreal Engine 4.0.2 instead, but the same thing happened.
I’ve tried Uninstalling everything, then re-installing.
I’ve checked all firewall settings.
I’ve tried running the UE4Editor.exe from the Win64 folder in Windows explorer.
I’ve tried downloading and running the QFE-FromCL-2027741-Shelve-2031074 patch.
None of these have solved or had any effect on my problem.
Other Notes:-Sometimes I’ll see the little Unreal Editor “launching” box pop up briefly before disappearing with no results.
-Sometimes I’ll see the Unreal Editor icon pop up in my Windows 7 taskbar briefly before disappearing with no results. -Sometimes I’ll see the Unreal Editor task pop up briefly in the task manager before disappearing with no results.
I’ve been trying on and off for 3 weeks now, searching the support FAQs and forums, trying to solve this issue, but to date I haven’t seen the Unreal Editor window open once. Any and all tips would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time!