Hello there, until a couple of days ago I was running Unreal Editor 4.8.3 perfectly but one day I just fired up Unreal Launcher and not only my projects were gone from Library but when I tried to run Unreal Editor it crashed every time, I’ve already tried a fresh install.
Thanks in advance!
P.D I cant seem to be able to attach logs to post, a message pops up that says “Not such upload”
Hi ,
Please copy information in Crash Reporter window, including Machine ID, and paste it here. Make sure you hit Send.
No Such Upload error happens sometimes, usually you can try again once or twice and it’ll take. If you still have trouble attaching logs, you can upload them somewhere and give us a download link. Thanks!
Here you go
No minidump found for this crash.
I’ll see where to upload logs as I keep having issues uploading them
Thanks in advice
I uploaded Logs to , hope it’s allright
Hey, this link requires a decryption key.
Here it is, sorry, its my first time using .
Hi ,
- Does this occur if you attempt to open editor via your projects .uproject file? You can get to your project through filepath \Unreal Projects\PROJECTNAME\PROJECTNAME.uproject.
- What are exact steps you are taking before this error occurs?
- Are you on a proxy server?
- Can you post your dxdiag here so I can take a look at it?
- Does this occur with any other editor versions or is it limited to 4.8.3?
Hello there!
-Yes it does occur also if I try to open editor via any project.
- I just open launcher then try to open editor in that order
- No, I’m not in a proxy server
- Sure ill post DxDiag here
- Currently I’m unaware if it happens in other editor versions. I’ve performed a fresh reinstall for 4.8.3 twice and hasn’t worked yet.
link text
- Have you made sure that editor is using your NVidia card and not your integrated graphics card?
- Are you able to get to create project screen or does editor crash before you can get this far?
I’m sure editor is using NVidia card
editor crashes before getting to create project screen
Check to ensure that it is definitely using Nvidia card, additionally make sure that your drivers are completely up to date. Let me know if this addresses error or if it is still crashing and we can continue from there.
Hey there, i’ve triple checked and Editor is using NVidia card, also I,ve confirmed all graphics drivers are up to date. It is still crashing
Try two things. first is try running editor as admin, second, try switching to 4.9. Do you see same crashes? I am looking through your logs again to see if I can see anything in particular that would help to discover cause of your crashes.
Hello there, I ve tried running editor as admin without avail, I am currently downloading 4.9 and ill test it to see if its a solution
Hello again, still no luck even with 4.9. If it helps it crashes at 35% exactly every single time.
Hi ,
When you get callstack again, please press submit button so it will appear within our crash report software. This may give us some more information as to what is occurring.
Allrighty then, just sent crash report
I’ve been looking more into this and have discovered that specific laptop model you are using is not directly compatible with Windows 10 due to GPU switching it utilizes. Try installing drivers located here:
note: software from intel will state that your software is not up to date, however this is not accurate:
Please let me know if this addresses error, if not I have a few more suggestions to try.
Hey there!
Ive tried to install drivers with no avail, I’m not discarding option that drivers are what’s causing my problem but I would be glad if you could give me other solutions to try