Unreal Edit 4.5 FBX import crashes on Yosemite

A simple one, i am developing an iOS 8 (Metal) game on OS X and updated to Yosemite (i also used Yosemite DP from 1 to GC3 - While this time UE 4.1 > 4.5 came along… sometimes running good / sometimes running really odd) - this time 4.5 crashed when i import a skeletal-mesh with baked animation. (this same model imports on windows flawless and plays the animation).

Since OS X is needed for complex games for iOS it’s quite odd that i can’t import stuff.
Any ideas why this happens?

Despite that… most of the engine so far runs quite good.
I might test first to compile the whole thing my self - that often solved few issues… but still.


The Import-Button solves this issue!
Drag’n Drop doesn’t work.

FWIW I just wanted to add that I’ve had the same problem and using the button worked for me too. iMac late 2013, OSX 10.10.