Each time I paste this, my game pauses for a few seconds and then my ram jumps up about 0.4GB. If I quit and go back into the game it resets back down to normal amounts of ram. Any ideas to lower this? Earlier UE4 alone hit 12GB and my whole computer slowed to a stop while I had to quit out of things to keep it going.
I’m running Unreal engine 4.8.1
I’m attaching it here for my own purposes (you can change the extension to .txt to attach).memreport
Anyways, we’ve been tracking some memory leak issues and have had a hard time tracking down a local repro. I was wondering if you’d be interested in sending a copy of your project (or maybe a blank project with this particular asset migrated into it). You can upload to google drive and then PM me the link on the forums.
Can I also get your dxdiag info?
NOTE: If you migrate the asset to a blank project, can you confirm that the bug still occurs in the blank project?
Im having the same issue.
I have created a BSP house in one map. i have grouped the few hundred bsp’s and then copy/paste.
Once it ate up my 32gig of ram it crashes. i put in an SSD as a dedicated pagefile which stopped the crashing but takes about 4 or 5 hours to paste using all the ram and constant pagefile in use.
If i export as a mesh its a quick process but meshes do not give the same lighting effects as bsp’s and are not useable until i have time to learn more. I have a deadline looming this week.
What you will need to do is switch your bsps to static meshes by using the “Create static mesh” button in the bsp details pane. Then switch to dynamic lighting (movable). That is probably going to be the best if not only feasible solution to work through your specific issue. The problem is that bsps are computationally extremely heavy, so while they are excellent tools to block out a level, it is severely performance intensive as you have seen.
Thanks . I aim to imrove my ability to use meshes asap so thanks for that info however i have found another problem that was causing the massive memory usage.
The DerivedDataCache installs to the C: drive. i have a small SSD so it was filling up the drive completely along with the ram and then requiring a huge amount of pagefile interaction.
I migrated to datacache to the UE4 drive which has terrabytes of space and the process has dropped from about 5 hours to between 60-90 mins and used no more than 58 gig in total (ram + pagefile) which is also better then the total of 130 ish gig that it was using before if i remember correctly.
I have put up a post in the suggestion forum about giving the user the option of where to install the DerivedDataCache.