Unreal crashing when importing usdz file

I hope i put this in the right category.

I’m using unreal 5.2.1 and am having an issue where my project crashes everytime i try to import a .usdz file.

It started with me trying to import a usd file from audio2face from omniverse where i’d get an error and it wouldn’t import.

I then discovered that anu usdz file would give me an error. I tried turning off and turning back on the usd import pluggin, which i did, but now the whole project just crashes when i try to import any usdz file.

Googled and can’t find anyone with similar issues, hopefully someone here can help!


Hey there @Quarter_Wit! Welcome back to the community! Do the crash logs or main logs have any listed fatal errors? You can find them in your project folder->Saved-> Crashes and Logs.

Hi SupportiveEntity!

I just tried again and it crashed once more. I’ve uploaded the contents of the latest crash folder, is this what you were looking for?


CrashContext.runtime-xml (174.6 KB)
CrashReportClient.ini (112 Bytes)
Quarter_wit_cartoon.log (251.2 KB)
UEMinidump.dmp (1.5 MB)

" Do the crash logs or main logs have any listed fatal errors?" sorry just reread your post and saw you asked this… i looked through and couldnt see any but i’m kind of new to all this and not sure what i’m looking for haha

No worries! In your log, the full crash information points as your crash ID


You can find that in a folder of the same name under crashes.

Hey thanks! located the crash report and what you pointed to, but im still not sure what it all means and what’s causing my issue (im kinda a newbie). Whenever i import any USD files i get an error in unreal (the crashing seems to have stopped now randomly) but i still can’t import any USD files. Have you ever seen anything like this before? I cant seem to find anyone online mentioning the same issue.

It looks like a couple of things are happening.

a USD error Error: TF_DIAGNOSTIC_CODING_ERROR_TYPE: Failed to find plugin for ArDefaultResolver that I’m not familiar with. I’ll have to do some digging on ArDefaultResolver as a module. Going to see if I can replicate the issue to get some more insight on my side.

Update: Unable to reproduce the issue on 5.2.1 default project with a freshly installed USD plugin. May I know your specs?

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Hi SupportiveEntity, really appreciate all the time you spent looking into this! I actually ended up just upgrading to unreal 5.3 and it seems to have corrected the issue. Sorry wish i had let you know before you spent time looking into it! Thanks though!

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