Unreal Crashes with 2 open windows

While I was Working with UE 5.1 with shaders I have the issue where the engine crash, it was not a surprise for me It happen from time to time, but when it gets usually I notice that it happen every time I have 2 windows open and I try to open the file bar o other options in the top bar, I try re-installing the editor and it doesn’t work, I try to erase everythink about in the registry of unreal engine to make a more clean instalation but it doesn’t work either.
Also it always crash without crash report windows.

So I was wondering if any other person has the same issue or if there’s a solution about my case?

It sounds like you may be experiencing a software bug in Unreal Engine 5.1 that causes the engine to crash when you have multiple windows open and try to open the file bar or other options in the top bar.

This could be caused by a number of factors, such as a conflict with another software running on your computer, an issue with the installation of Unreal Engine, or a problem with your computer’s hardware or operating system.

Another solution (I don’t think this will work, but give it a try) would be to try running Unreal Engine as an administrator, as this can help to resolve issues with file or registry access.

You may want to consider submitting a bug report to the Unreal Engine team through their official website, as this will help them to investigate and resolve the issue. Please make sure to write a way to reproduce the issue you are experiencing.

Hey there @cinos1210! Welcome to the community! Could we take a look at the crash logs? They may provide more insight into what is causing the crash.

Well, after 2 weeks trying to make it work, I finally found the problem, It has to see with a graphic configuration in the AMD adrenalin. When I set the enchanced sync on its where the bug appear I think it is a very specific problem from amd drivers.

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I’ve just been having the same issue on my Intel Mac with an AMD 6900XT running macOS 13.6.4 - unfortunately it took me several hours to realise the second viewer was the issue!