Unreal crashes when using SVN sync and level streaming

Build Type: Unreal 4.18 Installed from Launcher

Build version: Unreal 4.18.2 Version: 4.18.2-3794801

I am using SVN to do source control on a project. When i am inside a map(that is: a have tthis map opened) that uses level streaming to load other levels and i try to execute sync command over my content folder the engine crashes. This error does not appear when i execute a sync command in a map that doesn’t use level streaming.

Repro Steps

  1. Create a new project using unreal 4.18.
  2. Version your project using Subversion Source control.
  3. Create a Persistent Level and add at least 1 Streaming Level to it.
  4. Commit your changes
  5. Sync your content Folder

Hello Samuel,

Thank you for reporting this crash. I’ve placed in a bug report for the issue which you can find here: UE-53655

I also tried this in Perforce and noticed that it occurs with that as well, so I added that to the report.

Have a nice day!

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Thanks for reporting this. It was actually a top 10 crash, but we could never repro it since no-one ever fills in the crash report description field to say what they were doing. It’s now been fixed for 4.19 :slight_smile: