Unreal crashes when opening physics asset

After making some changes on a physics asset Unreal crashed, then it crashed any time I tried to open that project.
I deleted the physics asset from the folder (through windows not unreal since I cannot open UE) Then the project works again (4.26)

I did the same with a previous version of the project (4.25) after spending some time on the physics I was changing the size of the capsule of a rigid body while it crashed again, this time I´m able to open the project but any time I open the physics asset/skeleton/mesh… it crashes again

I have the lattest gforce drivers 12/09/2020

My pc specs are as follow:

Intel core i7 9750H cpu 2.60ghz 2.59ghz
ram 16gb
windows 64

Gforce RTX 2070

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i had the same problem. after some changes in physics asset it crashed. and can not open it again. and. every time open it. ue4 must crash… some one know how to fix it?

Same problem here. Need Help…


I deleted my old physics asset and created a new one. Instead of just ‘Create’ I selected ‘Create and Assign’ so it was already set up when I opened the skeletal mesh. I know this won’t help if you want your old asset, but this is what worked for me.