Unreal Connect to PS4 device by USB get a error

Get a error and unreal crash
error :
Fatal error: [File:D:\Unreal\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Editor\TurnkeySupport\Private\TurnkeyWrapper.cpp] [Line: 59] Badly formatted deviceId: PS4@

Because i can’t success connect my PS4 device, So I did the following.

  1. Remove existing connect from “neightborhood for PlayStation@4”.
  2. Open unreal device manager.
  3. Replugin the USB on PS4 device.
  4. Now, i can see PS4 device show up in unreal device manager.
  5. click connect.
  6. If i open platfrom window again, will get this error.

Reopen unreal project, the device manager still can’t connect to my PS4 device.