Title: Unreal Challenge - Furious Elegance - Mannequin Animation
Video URL: https://youtu.be/ndKtxEIsA2o
Student Submission: Yes
Credits to sourced content:
Unreal Engine 5.2 content:
- Unreal Engine 5 mannequin
- Unreal Engine 5 start level
Screenshot of project in-editor:
This is mostly me figuring out how the UE animation rig works. It’s my first effort in 3D animation. I have a background in 2D, hand-drawn animation, not 3D. So I’m getting going. Fun, I must say.
Missing a lot of the furious. Pretty basic here. But I got a sequence to sort out. Glad about that.
Already been focusing on UE5 lately. Some learner games and level designs. So, animation is a good addition.
- Engine version
Unreal Engine 5.2