Unreal Challenge: Creep it real

Hello everybody! My name is Katarina, and I am studying for a Masters Degree in Videogame art at the Universal Artschool.
I am participating in the unreal challenge “creep it real”. For this challenge I have taken inspiration from the movie Conjuring and Annabelle, creating a creepy basement.

In the previous week I have collected some ideas and references to how the scene will look like, which means starting out with blockout:

After testing out some early light mapping, I figured the room was a littlebit to small.
I kept testing out some different colors for the wall and light, and ended up with even a bigger room.

I am now debating whether or not to add hints of grass, sand or some gravel in the ground to add a more “basement look”.

For next upcoming weeks I will start working in the main focus assets:

  • Doll
  • Chair
  • Light Bulb

(All the assets are made by me.)
All feedback is welcome!

Hello again everyone!
I am very excited to share my update; Last time I was able to finish the blockout of the level and some early light tests. Now I have been able to actually finish the scene. The only thing I will be working on now is details and some dresses for the dolls. I also need to edit the video for the challenge

I am still trying to figure out the lighting

For this week I will finish:

  • Video
  • Dresses and hair for dolls
  • Details/set dressing

(All the assets are made by me.)
All feedback is welcome!