Unreal Challenge : Creep It Real


Title: Apocalypse


Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:


  • Description: I tried creating an apocalyptic construction sight in paris where a mysterious creature have taken ther charge on the planet. Tried to make it a look with some sketchfab assets and Quixel Megascans from Quixel Bridge.
  • Unreal Engine 5.0

Greetings @Harshil345 !

Welcome to the Unreal Engine community! :medal_sports:

Apocalypse is rife with creatively impressive and stunningly fluid cinematic shots! I admired your choice of soundtrack and how it increasingly built to increase the dramatic reveal. The soundtrack was as if it was a character itself.

I imagine the bloodthirsty creature standing tall amongst the recent, gory destruction with a banner slowly billowing and falling from the ceiling reading “When Aliens Ruled the Earth” . Bonus points if you guessed the reference! :wink:

Thank you for participating in this month’s challenge! What part of this project took you the most amount of time to complete?


Nice Work !

Is U mean this ? Jurassic Park


@hulebaji Yes! You’ve got it!

Bonus :cool: points for hulebaji! :metal::sunglasses:

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Thankyou so much @hulebaji

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Thankyou SO much @Get_DOVAH_it . I’m so glad that i got this opportunity. and i’m glad you like my work.

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This is looking really great! I especially love how great the skin looks on your creature and how well it moves.

One quick thing, you might want to cut down your final edit to 60 sec. The rules said it needs to be between 10-60 sec. and I wouldn’t want something like that getting you disqualified when you have obviously put a ton of work into this.


It’s so cool.

How can I replace the link for the new cutted down video of 60 seconds ? Will you guide me for that?

The set assembly took the most time in this project.

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Thank you, Harshil345!

To change the link to your newly shortened video, simply edit your post. Once you’re in edit, delete the old URL and replace it with the new URL for the shortened video. If you need assistance with this, please let me know.

Hi, @Harshil345, nice film!

How do you export the sound and music with the video? Wld be great if you can help.

I used dinosaurs as reference point in my project

Hey there @Harshil345,

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forums. :slight_smile:

This is an amazing submission! The creature design is honestly superb and nightmare fuel. But it’s the destruction and obvious chaos of the apocalypse that elevates the entire video for me. Makes it a bit more terrifying I think.

Good luck with the challenge. Wishing you the best of luck!

I simply add the music in premiere.

Hello, I still won’t be able to edit my post. Please Help me out

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nice work my friend wish you good luck.

Thankyou so much

Oh, I guess we have a winner! )