I’m moving to a new pc and it has been giving me hell for last 2 weeks and at my wits end. hope someone can helpout.
new specs:
Asus rog stix GAMING Z790-h
2TB samsung SSD pro evo
128gb (currently only 32gb single slot in use for testing atm)
At first it was giving me constant BSOD during windows and when Unreal startup. after running driver verifier i had to remove astuk drivers which are known to cause problems apparantly…
Once that done, the blue screen started with unrealengine. things I’ve done already
uninstalled nvidia with ddu to perform clean installs
let windows detect and install driver version (BSOD)
clean install multiple nvidia drivers dating back to january this year
tried it on 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
opened new project with unreal to see if project was the problem, still BSOD
swapped ram , BSOD
changed motherboard under warranty, BSOD
CPU test, passing flying colours
Ram mem86 test, no problems detected
windows standard stuff recovery like scannow, dhsk, dism . all look good
ran antivirus, nothing to report.
only thing I have found out is that the driver with least problem is like 6 months old… but with least problems I mean… I get to work 1 hour before it gives me a BSOD.
weirdly enough the GPU did not have any problems when i put it in my old system. runs smooth on there but the cpu, ram kills it at the bottleneck because of it’s age.
would love some direction where to even look anymore
darn pity , it has some cool features but kind of useless in this form
Altough gpu giving a headache is something I’ve come to accept with using most design programs but I’ve never had one this stubborn.
my only guess atm is that the combination of gpu, cpu, motherboard is not well adjusted to eachother.
the 4070ti came out january, the motherboard came out february, and the cpu 2 months ago.
weirdly enought when i put the 4070ti in my old system, it runs without problems with 5.2.
I will run it with no gpu and test it but that still wouldnt really help with troubleshooting, would probably confuse me more haha. because why would the 4070ti work on the old system and not the new one
Same problem here. BSOD everytime, when I try compile some project or plugin in C++, it always happens. My config:
RTX 4090
64GB RAM kingston fury DDR5
Motherboard gigabyte Z790 UD AC.
If someone has a Gigabyte motherboard and an i9 13900k, the problem is hardware. To be more exact, the stock settings do not work, to fix this you will have to change the settings to:
All guesses in the dark without debugging your BSOD in the first place. what is the stop code? did you debug the memory dump? don’t turn the PC upside down before knowing what is going on. check the dump. check the event log in windows.
so after replacing RAM, Mobo, new NVME the final “conclusion” was it must be the CPU then I guess…
was about to send it back but came across the following:
long story short… 13900/14900k seems not to want to play nice with UE and demands a lot of power and thus cooling.
I’ve atm clocked down the cpu and installed a AIO. For now it seems stable but I shouldn’t have to clock down a high end cpu from stock settings by 20% just to get it working with UE.
Been having random shut downs for months now, tried all sorts. Initially I thought it was the firmware for my NVME drive as it was flagging an error right before the crash, but after updating the firmware I’m still getting the issue, just now there’s no errors prior to it in the event viewer to give me any clues.
My crashes usually happen during rendering 4k footage using movie render queue. I think it’s only happened in 5.2, though that’s were the large intensive project is. Project is nearly finished so I’ll gladly be moving onto 5.4 next.