Unreal Car tire Collision non-existent

Howdy - here’s an old problem a lot of people have encountered. the Tire Collisions on my vehicle don’t work. More importantly, I’ve seen plenty of posts that describe how to orient the tires correctly - but I just can’t seem to get them to spawn at all.

The Skeletal mesh of the car is to the right - collision seems fine. When plugged into the car BP, the tires act like they don’t exist. I pretty much am using a pre-fabed tire BP, I can’t imagine that I did wrong. Turning on show collisions shows that the cylinder colliders the tires are supposed to use simply don’t exist. What’s up here?

In terms of model, it all faces the x-axis, all car joints face the x-axis, the mesh is a single mesh, it was zeroed out/frozen before skinning, yada yada. I may have missed something there but I am mostly concerned that the simple collisions flat out don’t show up.

Thank you.

P.S. I can’t get my username to change on here, so I apologize that. Not exactly proud of that username.

A note on above, the Physics asset has collisions on the wheels. From what I can tell it is supposed to use a wheel cylinder mesh as the collision for the wheel which “replaces” the wheel’s collider in the physics asset. And that is what I am missing. I can’t seem to visualize it if it is there. I don’t know if its just not positioned correctly like many people’s problem with vehicles, or if it literally doesn’t exist.

So update, I followed this video to get my wheel orientation Correct: Maya to Unreal Engine 4 Custom Car Wheel Fix - YouTube . Using Maya I could not get the joint to properly orient so I took this person’s approach and simply made the mesh orient correctly and then let the skeletal mesh import make joints.

So, Everything’s looking good - yet the problem still persists:

A little hard to see, but you can see the Wheel Black mesh is the same orientation of my test vehicle (new model btw: trying to do a motorcycle thing). The orientation of the wheel’s is correct - yet they still fall through the floor every single time. No clue as to why as of this moment.

A lot online is dedicated to telling you how to orient your wheels, but I cannot find anything talking about a lack of collision. Please help!

Thank you
P.S. The console command to show all collisions including the VehicleWheel is PXVIS COLLISION .

To add to this, I am still confident there’s a problem with my Vehicles mesh: replacing the SUV’s mesh with mine also make said actor fall. But I am unaware of what could be causing this. My mesh is as simple as could be, with very simple collision set up which is nearly identical to the other blueprint examples.

I’ve tried both orienting the joints in the correct directions:


And just importing the mesh oriented directly with no added skeletons:


As you can see it appears the joints are oriented correctly and in the previous posts satisfy the position needed. In the physics asset they are set to kinematic. What is wrong here?

Here’s the previous article where they discuss this and what I’ve been following: I think I’ve so far followed it to the t but no luck.