I’m trying to learn by dissecting an existing basic ai blueprint, specifically the unreal butterfly:
but I can’t seem to access anything that lets me see how the meshes are put together in the blueprint (how are the angles of the wings chosen in relation to the body) or how the model is constructed? Because this is sort of a tutorial item, have they locked certain elements for us not to see?
Or maybe there’s a more up-to-date version of this I could look at instead?
EDIT: Incidentally, don’t get put off by that BP, it’s very complicated. I would have been well put off by it in the beginning. You might find more joy tackling some a bit more straightforward to start with:
Thank you so much for your comment ClockworkOcean. Yeah it’s a lot to take in and I’ve obviously picked something way more complicated than I can handle for how fresh I am to all this…
I was looking for the blueprint element that holds the wing meshes and the body mesh together? I can see the element that creates the flapping, and the bobbing of the body, but not scale or rotation, etc. I had gotten the actor view like you attached, and I was able to pivot the wings for example in the controls there, but they didn’t stay pivoted in the game view after saving the blueprint. I’m thinking there must be another set of controls somewhere I’m not seeing.
Maybe I should just look at the ones you suggested, but I guess I’m curious about that specific thing now because I couldn’t figure it out.
It wont make any difference if you change the angle of the wings in the BP, because their position is begin controlled by the event graph at runtime. I will take a look in a bit…