Unreal Assets - Unreal Tournament Permissions?


I am a solo dev trying to make my first game, learning ue5 (3 months now)

I am wondering where i would go to ask for permission to use the original FLAK CANNON idea.

I have a free 3d model someone made thats amazing but i thought i would ask first as its clearly UT concept. where would I go to ask?
if you all remember the original flak cannon from the original unreal tournament in the 90’s on our voodoo fx cards with a 56k modem?

I wanted to sort of pay homage to epic by including it in my game as ive been a long time fan of epic and absolutely love everything they have done for the world. Any help in which channels i should go through to seek permission.



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Hey @WildeHoney!

Unless the asset was taken from the Unreal marketplace and you check the EULA, you will need to reach out to Epic Games for any clarification.
