Hi i have a problem i have worked a few hours on where once i click I to use the inspect animation neither the walking/running animation and shooting animation work any more, this is only when i set the button to click and not hold for example if i set released to set inspect? as well as pressed then i can hold the key to do the animation and the other animations will still execute after, however if i do it the other way around and get rid of released, so the button only needs to be pressed the rest of my animations wont work once i have used the inpsect weapon animation
Could you please clarify the issue you’re having? It’s hard to read your post as it’s written with a confusing language.
For now, it seems like you’re triggering a new locomotion seperate from the walking / running one when the variable named “inspect” gets set to true. I think this was intentional, is your issue about not being able to go back to the other locomotion? You can simply achieve that by setting that variable of yours back to false when you stop holding the same key or click on another key. Because it seems like that’s the only condition for that animation series to be activated and that wouldn’t happen until the value changes again.
(post deleted by author)
like this? bascially i want it to play the whole animation when i press the key once, then be able to play the other animations after, at this moment in time when im not setting it to go to false at released, it will play the whole animation but then i wont be able to play the other animations any longer.
when its set like this i press the key once it plays the animation, but then my other animations wont exectute
when i set it like this, i can hold the key and the animation will play until i release, but the other animations will still work after.
I am only a beginner and am trying to get to grips with the software
If you want to be able to trigger your animation by pressing a key without affecting the whole locomotion system that you’ve set up, it’s better to use animation montages instead of state machines. You can create a montage by right clicking on your animation on the asset browser, navigating to the “Create” option on the menu that pops up, and selecting the “Create Animation Montage” button. Then, you can trigger it by using the “Play Montage” node and plugging it to the “Triggered” output execution pin of your input action. You can create an enhanced input action by right clicking on an open space in your content browser, navigate to the “Inputs” option and select the “Input Action” button. Also make sure to plug in a default slot into the main out pose in the anim graph of your animation blueprint for the anim montages to work. You can simply right click on an open space and type in “default” to access that. It should be a grey node. And the main out pose is the brown colored node that has the “Out Pose” text on it but it’s not just any out pose node, you should plug the default slot into the out pose in the main anim graph, not the ones in your locomotions or states. It’s the one that you can see when you click on the “Anim Graph” text on top of the screen, under the tabs section.
For the mechanics that you want to be included in the states in your locomotions, it’s even easier! You can just use an input action that’s set to function as a diverse key other than just a hold key. I think you did an extra step and selected your input action to be triggered by holding so you can go ahead and change that by expanding the triggers section in your input action settings