I saw the other day I can use my phone to create 3D image maps, this is in relation to unreal 5. Is there anyway to bring that into twinmotion?
how to create unreal engine 5 photorealistic assets with a phone - YouTube
I saw the other day I can use my phone to create 3D image maps, this is in relation to unreal 5. Is there anyway to bring that into twinmotion?
how to create unreal engine 5 photorealistic assets with a phone - YouTube
Hello Irwin​ ,
Thank you for posting in the community and glad to hear you are looking at that technology for Twinmotion. At this time you can import FBX, Obj, and C4D formats into Twinmotion. You can also save FBX files from Unreal Engine and bring in content that way into Twinmotion.
We just release a beta app for RealityCapture:
Please take a look at the Road-map and make any suggestions or comments to any existing feature:
The glTF file format is what Sketchfab uses and this will make it easier to upload and download content from there for TM.
As you can see from the overview video Reality Capture new phone app will be uploading to Sketchfab so that content will easily be downloadable into Twinmotion in the near future.
Hope this helps answer your question.
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
I'll tell you this when that happens, and I can pull in my own3D images for my models, its going to be a game changer :)
If you need a beta tester I am right here!