Unreal 5 Beginner Tutorial

Hi There!

Last month I made this ‘Sweet Dreams’ video and I finally finished my breakdown of how I made my video. This was my first video in Unreal 5 and I wanted explore some of the new feature. I touch on a lot of topics very briefly and show you a bit of my thought process.

This is a good beginner video as it introduces different features in the engine such as
• Nanite
• Lumen
• Megascans
• Modeling Tools
• Chaos Destruction and Caching
• Volumetric FX
• Animation Tools

Sweet Dreams Video

How It’s Made

Hope you enjoy!


Hey there @shazzygus,

Hope you’re doing well!

First, I have to compliment the cuteness of the video. Gave me a lot of happiness to watch.

But most importantly, what a wonderful tutorial. It really felt like an “all-in-one” type of guidance. Thanks so much for putting in all this work and sharing your knowledge :slight_smile: