Unreal 5 Ability System

Hey! @Magnum164 : )

I have a project called Project Elementus that was initially build as a template with GAS, Enhanced Input, Epic Online Services, etc. already implemented as modular features. All features were implemented in C++ and exposed to blueprints.

And I recently moved all the contents of this project to a new plugin with modules. As a plugin, it is easier to organize, update and insert the content into already existing projects, facilitating maintenance and usability.



  • Unfortunately, due to being a solo project and not having had enough time (due to studies, work, and other projects), I cannot say that it is a project that has already been completed. Lately, I haven’t been giving it as much attention and haven’t created any documentation. However, a lot has been implemented, and the project itself already has some ready-made examples on an interactive map.
  • The project elementus repository has a separated branch using the modules plugin (with all content already moved): lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus at development (github.com)
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