I’ve recently switched to UE 5.5 from 5.2 and now I’m having issues uploading game to TestFlight.
First big change form 5.2 was the way app is signed and how it gets the provisioning profile, currently all of that can be handled automatically but that user needs cloud signing permissions. So that was one stone I needed to go across. Next thing that popped up is the issue with “NSCameraUsageDescription” missing in plist and I couldn’t add it - once I add that property it automatically gets renamed to something else (Privact - something something). Then I figured it was caused by some plugin that is enabled by default - AVF Media Player. This issue was resolved in 5.2 by simply adding to “Additional Plist Data” something like “NSCameraUsageDescriptionNot really used camera”.
But now, I managed to upload the game to store trough using the archive finctionality in Mec, and distributing it to TestFlight internal, but still the build cannot be included for testing since it’s having error that it’s missing compliance and doesn’t have encryption type set.
If anyone has some ideas on how to set this up or how to resolve this issue it would be great! Thanks!