Unreal 5.5 Installed Build withServer error from Text3D Experimental plugin

I’m currently building installed build for unreal 5.5 all fresh downloaded from unreal github page.

branch release 5.5.0-release 1308e62 release

I’m simply doing simple setup.bat and GenerateProjectFiles.bat and started UAT with the following command

Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildGraph -target="Make Installed Build Win64" -script=Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml -set:HostPlatformOnly=false -set:WithClient=true -set:WithServer=true -set:WithDDC=false -set:WithAndroid=true -set:WithIOS=false -set:WithMac=false -set:WithLinux=true -set:WithWin64=true

it always fail on compiling For UnrealServer-Win64-Shipping Module.Text3D.2.cpp

with these following error

D:\UE\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\Text3D\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealServer\Shipping\Text3D\Definitions.h(85): note: see previous definition of 'WITH_FREETYPE'
D:\UE\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\Text3D\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealServer\Shipping\Text3D\Definitions.h(184): warning C4005: 'WITH_HARFBUZZ': macro redefinition
D:\UE\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\Text3D\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealServer\Shipping\Text3D\Definitions.h(150): note: see previous definition of 'WITH_HARFBUZZ'
D:\UE\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\Text3D\Source\Text3D\Private\Text3DEngineSubsystem.cpp(355): error C2039: 'GetFace': is not a member of 'FFreeTypeFace'
D:\UE\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\Text3D\Source\Text3D\Private\Text3DEngineSubsystem.h(13): note: see declaration of 'FFreeTypeFace'
D:\UE\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\Text3D\Source\Text3D\Private\Text3DEngineSubsystem.cpp(354): error C2530: 'GlyphFreeTypeFace': references must be initialized

I’ve tried

  1. cleaning and re-clone the source.
  2. removing the plugin doesn’t work since it required by the other plugin.

but still haven’t pass these issue.

building without server does succeed without the following issue.


i have same problem… It look like problem with shiping version of server but not. I try disable shiping build and it’s same for GameDebug build.

Similar problem with build server for linux.

I discovered 2 solutions.

  1. disable build server if you dont need it
  2. go to source files find plugins\experimental and delete Text3D after that you get error of dependency 2-3 another plugins but probably you dont need them. After removing all dependent plugins build works for all config and platforms.

I know that’s not perfect solution but it works :slight_smile:

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