Finally moving to 5.4. Notice that when I import a Metahuman into Unreal via Bridge, there’s a new dialog, Import DNA.
It has an option to select a skeletal mesh, which is blank by default. The docs link just takes me to a generic FBX import page.
So far, I’ve just been selecting the body skeletal mesh that is in the folder for the specific metahuman that I’m importing. Seems to work, am I wrong?
Is there a correct answer to this?
In my case it seams to lead to problems when assigning these metahumans (for which the dialog popped up) as an actor to an already existing actor track in a level sequence. Sometimes the body or the face track disappears after assignment and sometimes not, even in the same level sequence using the same metahuman.
You should leave this to empty if importing the new metahuman (new sk mesh will be generated then) or chose the existing one (most likely the FaceMesh) when updating the one that already exists in your project.