Unreal 5.4 crashes on unreal.MovieSceneSequence.locate_bound_object()


I have a piece of python code that is calling the function “locate_bound_object()” that make my engine crash since I’ve upgraded to unreal 5.4.

I’ve looked through the python API and the function seems to be relevant and not deprecated. The object calling it is an “unreal.LevelSequence” which is a child of “unreal.MovieSceneSequence” that can use that function.

I tried to reproduce the result in blueprint. I’ve created an Asset Action Utility and called the blueprint function in it and it still crash. I did what was suggested in this page:

I tried to create a new level and a new scene with only one actor bound in the sequencer and it still crash.

I’ve also tried to call any other function of the library in python and those function return the result I was expecting.

I don’t know if something changed or if there is currently a known issue about that problem, but if anyone have a clue of what is happening, I would gladly take an advice on this one.

Thanks a lot


Thanks for posting about this. This is indeed a bug and regression. Apologies for that. It’s been fixed and will be available in the next 5.4.3 hotfix. Unfortunately I don’t have info on the timing of that.

In case you are compiling from source, the github commit is: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/68222ad8c1bb3917408093cafaf2a2dcef85a698

For the details on the fix, the issue is here (not yet made public, but should be public in a few days):

Alright, thanks a lot for the answer. It helped me a lot to understand.

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