Unreal 5.3 lighting/post processing help

Hey guys, I’m doing some tutorials on youtube, which are using an older version of unreal 5. I’m currently on 5.3 and I cant get the lighting to be the same as the tutorials even though I’m following the steps exactly when using the post processing volume. Their lighting looks more diffused, blurry, and realistic, whereas mine looks a little more flat and artificial. Was there any changes to the default light settings in 5.3 that I need to enable or something? Not sure what I’m doing wrong. The first image is what theirs looks like with exposure on 10 in the post processing volume. The second picture is what mine looks like on 10 and the third picture is what mine looks like when i adjust to 8, to get it closer to the tutorial. Picture 4 is what theirs looks like while playing and picture 5 is what mine looks like while playing. Seems like their contrast is higher too, ceiling brighter vs the darker parts of the image (walls, floors), where mine looks more flat.

images: https://imgur.com/a/f4J2FcA

original tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3VRWBxYrws&t=2702s

Check out the video attached please. The lights in the ceiling are giving this moving fog effect, which I don’t want. Also, when I look as the ground and move the camera I can see feint black lines. Any ideas how to fix these?

video: https://imgur.com/a/RGAtkbg