Unreal 5.3.2 - stat CPULoad

I am using Unreal 5.3.2. I can’t get the ‘stat CPULoad’ to display when entered on the cmd line. ‘stat FPS’ and the others work, but not CPULoad.
This issue is happening on 2 different systems. Ryzen 9 7950X / RTX4060ti and on a I7 6700k / RTX4080fe. Do any of you have the same issue? I think
it may be a bug in v5.3.2.


  1. Editor (VRGameMode) - Both in VR Preview and Standalone Game (VR Project)
  2. Build (Packaged Project Dev) - VRGameMode (VR Project)
  3. Editor (3rdPersonGameMode) - Both in Selected Viewport and Standalone Game (Non VR Project)
  4. Build (Packaged Project Dev) - 3rdPersonGameMode (Non VR Project)

p.s. Don’t laugh about the 6700k with a 4080 in it. Didn’t get a chance to upgrade the CPU yet.

tested on 5.2 and 5.3, i get “Command not recognized: stat cpuload”

most likely deprecated or got renamed.

Strange… I don’t get “Command not recognized: stat cpuload”. It shows in the intellisense that there is a command. The command is in the 5.3 stat docs.

Did you ever solve this? I have the same issues on 5.1 on a huge project and can’t upgrade. wtf…

No, Never solved. However I am now running my 4080 in a Ryzen 9 7950X and got a Quest3. Trying to solve a list of other issues getting Unreal to play nice with some of the new 5.3 features.

  1. VR + Lumen and Nanite (Working)
    2 VR + Lumen and Nanite and Niagara(Fail) - Niagara Only renders in 1 eye

I’m running on 5.3.2 its showing Command not recognized: Stat CPULoad