Unreal 5.2 Won't let me drag and drop files into the Engine at all.

Recently, I’ve not been able to drag and drop any type of file into Unreal. I’ve tried messing with the Security settings as well as the compatibility settings. But nothing seems to change it. Any file I drag across the window gets :no_entry_sign: over the mouse. Doesn’t matter if the file is over the content browser, the file hierarchy, or the main window. I’ve been getting by fine with just importing the files by hitting the import button at the top of the browser, but its becoming a time waster as I sift through files I already have pulled up in another window. I’d like to know if anyone else is experiencing this or if it’s just me. And if anyone has found a solution to this please. I’ve looked through the plugins but only found specific importers like Alembic, or Datasmith, nothing looks like a general one that I can see if that helps.

Fbx and sound files import no problem with drag and drop.

Did you dock your content browser? (in 5.0 and up)

Thanks for getting back, sorry for not seeing this sooner, I wasn’t sure when it’d go up given I was also apparently spamming the post by accident.

Anyway. I have both the Content Browser Docked into the layout and the content drawer below alongside the Output log and Cmd Window. I use the Content browser like in the screenshot. But no matter what I still get the no Icon for any FBX I try to pull in. I’ve tried dragging it into the content drawer instead, but no difference

Could it be a matter of fbx export version? (you can select during export) I use 2020.

I use blender which doesn’t seem to have a year selection for export, but I know it uses FBX version 7.1 and up which I can import, but I can’t seem to drag and drop in with

works with 3.5 just exported a random mod of the default cube and imported it into ue 5.2.

Export a simple object and upload the fbx and I’ll see if it imports. (can be a simple extrude of the cube)

Lol, won’t let me upload attachments. I’ll message it to you

Found the issue. Apparently, If you have both a mouse and a controller plugged into your laptop, the multiple input devices won’t allow you to drag and drop into the engine. I don’t know if this is new as it never happened before, but I guess once the mouse hovered over the window it was conflicted on what to read input wise. Unplugged the controller and I can drag and drop once more


This is the perfect answer I was looking for… I played Diablo 4 with controller…
Now it perfectly works… So many thanks!!!