Unreal 5.2.1 packs all Engine/Content files into an uncontrolled changelist and can't validate changelist

I have natively compiled unreal editor which was recently upgraded to 5.2.1
The update was done through Unreal Game Sync and the setup.bat was run to update the dependencies. The editor opens normally, however when trying to push it gives a validation error. The Version Control is done with Perforce.

The validation error is:
/Engine/EditorBlueprintResources/StandardMacros.StandardMacros is referenced and must also be added to revision control

Moreover, all of the Engine/Content stuff is now in an uncontrolled changelist, which is probably a bad thing.


Has anyone encountered this issue? The documentation does not mention something like this.

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ok, from what I’ve gathered, the uncontrolled changelist doesn’t have much impact on the validation step. So it’s the validation alone that tries to validate something that’s already in engine, which is questionable, as I don’t think it’s necessary to replicate engine content on repository.

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I have this issue but with different Engine files :
its happend when i reconcil asset

Revert file breaks the engine.


I’m also encountering the same issue in UE 5.2.1.
Fortunately, it doesn’t corrupt the project files or the Perforce depot, but it’s still quite frustrating.
The “View Changes” window becomes noticeably slower, and submitting changelists turns into a real hassle.

To fix this, I reverted all the Uncontrolled Changelists and validated UE through the Epic Games Launcher. (it takes approx 5 to 10 mins)
However, new uncontrolled changelists keep appearing every week, which is quite bothersome.