Unreal 5.1 Crash/Freeze upon clicking the viewport.

This is an issue introduced in 5.1 for me as everything was working fine in 5.0.

This is happening in all my scenes and I am at a loss at what might be causing it.

Whenever I load a map, if I just let unreal sit undisturbed, everything compiles and the scene keeps on spinning, but the second I click the viewport to do anything, it instantly freezes. There is no crash window and nothing in the logfile that might indicate what happened. It just freezes with the TaskManager saying Unreal is Not Responding.

I have the same thing happening on 3 separate computers, both with Nvidia and AMD cards, so it’s not card specific. Have the latest drivers etc…

Does anyone have any idea of what might be causing it? Or know how I can get more info I am at a loss :frowning:


I can confirm this!
I have exactly the same problem, only reversed.
It still worked with 5.1 Preview, but crashed every time with 5.1 Final. AMD 6000 card.

I’m fine with 5.1 final now.
I cleaned the system and re-registered all the DLLs.
AMD drivers, VisualStudio 2022, windowsdesktop-runtime-3.1.28-win-x64 and windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.1-win-x64 repaired.
Something was wrong. Smile

New Reg for DLLS (CMD Admin):

for %1 in (%windir%\system32\.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1
for %1 in (%systemroot%\SysWoW64\
.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1

I hereby retract my statement above. The 5.1 Final Editor keeps crashing. It doesn’t matter whether I’m creating a new project or working with Blueprint. Constantly crashing without an error message. This editor just sucks.

Go Project Setting and cliked false to Enable DLSS/DLAA to be turned on in Editor viewports or see you viewport in blueprint in window EU 5.1. This bug This bug only happens if you open viewport in blueprint in full screen mode with our favorite editor. We already reported this problem to Nvidia and I think they will fix it in the future, for now disable dlss in the editor as I said or go in window mode. Slava Ukraine )

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