Unreal 4 vs 5 for Robotics development

Hello there.

My question is simple: What version of Unreal is better for me, 4 vs 5 and why?

I am assigned to investigate using Unreal Engine for Robotics application ONLY on linux.
My final goal is to integrate physics simulation + camera rendering simulation on unreal with my robot.
If everything goes well - even desktop tool to control + program robot.


Unreal Engine for Robotics - Search (bing.com)

Unreal Learning Kit: Robotics Lesson 1 (youtube.com)

Unreal Learning Kit in UE Online Learning - Windows 64 and Mac 4.27 pc NO Linux

The link says 5.0 which is impossible on Linux version

Thank you for you reply.

My problem is not about “how to use Unreal for Robotics”, it can be handled.
It’s about general compatibility with Linux and ease of use.

I am are trying to choose between IsaacSim and Unreal and my main question is what version in it’s current (and probably future) state is more suitable to be used for this aplication.

Unreal is a games engine primarily based on Windows,
There are versions for Linux, support is minimal

What Is Isaac Sim? — Omniverse Isaac Sim latest documentation

Isaac Sim has essential features for building virtual robotic worlds and experiments and its Linux based,

The best unreal is the 4.27 and NO SUPPORT for robotics in UE 5

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