I created this walls with UE destructible mesh system, you can break them piece by pice, but i want them to restore, since i cant do that…. i Will respawn them… the problema is that every time they respawn, if the previous broken Wall is not completly destroyed, it creates a second mesh over the first one, then now i have two walls one on top of the other, one clean and one broken, how can i make the node logic to “replace” a destructible mesh by another one without override it?
I found a way to replace, withouth override…But with a glitch, no way to fix it yet…
After a destructible component receives a hi, i created a delay, then “set destructible mesh” and applied the new destructible there…… the problem, is that the new destructible mesh appears with a glitch that makes the new mesh quake a Little and constantly, the glitch stops after a make a new impact…. but until then, the destructible quakes……