UNREAL 4 - How to evolve a character BP after certain time or progress?


I want to evolve my characters after time or after reaching a number of collected coins, i guess i have to use a blendshape o replace the old mesh for a new one in the same carácter BP, but what i dont know, is how to make it happen, how to make it transform after it reaches its goals, i haven´t found any BP tutorials for this, i already searched as evolve, evolution… nothing yet, some suggestions?

Please help

you will probably never find a tutorial that matches your requirements exactly, no matter what its for.

this is a very simple logic operation | if player has x amount of coins and or x amount of time has passed, do the thing.| don’t look into tutorials to “evolve” look for tutorials to learn blueprint logic.

Sorry to make such basic question,

I deliberately make it this way, i´m new to Unreal Engine and I´m still learning about BP logic, maybe also because my english is not the best my questions are also bit confusing, but either way, some advice rather than “google it” is what i guess i might find in this such advanced forum… And i really posted my simple question understanding my skill is a work in progress.

I just want to say that this is exactly how i started with many other programs like Maya, C4D, Zbrush, and many others that now i kind of master in many ways…to say the least, and it all started making simple questions like this, but google it? makes me feel i just got into Unreals kindergarden forum.

Been kind and helpfull to others is the first step into greatness

Yea I would like to evolve a pet upon leveling from level 1 to level 10

Start by explaining what levelling does to the pet.

  • more HP
  • different eye colour
  • a snazzy hat
  • additional ability
  • an extra leg

Each of these would require a different approach.