UNREAL 4 - Function inputs not appearing as variables at the variable´s list at my blueprint, why?

Hi, i followed a video tutorial, and this guy created a function inside a blueprint, then at the function node, added 2 new inputs to the original K2node (2 integers)…. this automaticaly created 2 variales at the “variable list” of the BP, but if i do the same…. variables wont appear at my BP variable list, the just stay in the input, so i canot use them as variables…why this happens?

Also when he created both inputs, they appeared automatically under a new variable list named after the function name, meaning, both integers are located under: variables/function name. This also happened ate the variables list locate in the Blueprint.

Please help, thanks

Adding inputs to a function does not create variables. It creates input pins (or output on the output node) for variables to use. To create a variable from your pin, you can drag off the pin and promote to variable.