Unreal 4 crashing when adding a instance to a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh

This seems to be related to: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/709902/crash-when-adding-an-instance-with-instanced-stati.html
as well as
Crash in 4.17.2 with instanced static meshes (Unknown RHI vertex element type 0) - Asset Creation - Unreal Engine Forums

If that’s the same issue it should be fixed in an internal build. I used the workaround provided in the second post

I am having a issue since I updated to UE 4.17.2 that when I create a actor with a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh soon as I add a instance to it UE4 crashes. I have tried it in two different files along with starting a new project and it crashes every time I add the add instance button. Has anyone else had this problem?

Yeah, I think so! I hope/think that they will release it soon! Either in a 4.17 hotfix or as 4.18 preview

Yes that is the same problem thank you for the response. When you say it should be fixed in an internal build, do you mean Epic is aware and has fixed it just not released the build yet?

Awesome thanks for the heads up, I would try the other fix but I am not using C++ to add my instances. Just dragging them over and dropping them in the viewport.

Will be a 4.18 fix not 4.17.3

It will be in the Preview 3 which should come out next week if all goes well.

So if I download the 4.18 right now will it be fixed?