Previous Unreal version had the -d3d10 and -opengl switches, but 4.7.1 added the feature set testing for OpenGLES 2. Does anyone know if they added the ability to start with OpenGLES2 feature set? Also, could PC users access it in a standalone game?
Thanks in advance.
Play mobile preview uses this command line
UE4Editor.exe -game -PIEVIACONSOLE -ResX=1280 -ResY=720 -Multiprocess -featureleveles2 -faketouches
Obviously, you could use -featureleveles2. BUT! It is not OpenGL ES2. In code it says that it is “ES2 feature level emulation in D3D11”.
BTW, you could try to use WebGL version. It is based on OpenGL ES2, but probably there are some differences.
Thank you DeM-on. Have a great day.
Thank you. I will try that.